Mystery Reporter's Challenge 2025 is sponsored by Ellie in The Challenge Factory on Goodreads.
My post in the challenge: HERE
Who? What? When? Where? Why?
How--In a cozy chair with a hot cup of cocoa and a box of bonbons!
I'll be going for the Columnist level (2 books from each basic category) and hoping to complete them all.
Cub Reporter: 5 books (one from each category)
Columnist: 10 books (two from each)
News Anchor: 15 books (three from each)
Editor: 20 books (four from each)
Newspaper Mogul: 25 books (all five from each)
Bonus Category:
Pulitzer Prize Winner = Newspaper Mogul plus bonus categories (30 books)
Extra Bonus Category
Nobel Prize for Literature = Pulitzer plus final bonus category (31 books)
Protagonist is established in their business/career: Dangerous Davies: The Last Detective by Leslie Thomas (1/11/25)
Character is a dead person (ghost/vampire/zombie/etc.):
Main Character works with animals:
Side Character is fun/kooky (you want to be BFFs):
Character works with books/writes:
Number in title:
Food in title:
Title starts with letter in your first name:
Holiday in title:
Title is play on words:
City that starts with C, M, or T:
Set in hotel/B&B/Air BnB: The Book of Killowen by Erin Hart (2/4/25)
Set in a Midwest state:
Set in a popular vacation spot:
Set on foreign soil (not US or England)
Set during celebration (not a holiday--birthday, anniversary, etc)
Set in 1900s: The Deadly Truth by Helen McCloy (1/15/25)
Set during winter:
Set during fall:
Set during storm:
Strangled: The Devil's Flute Murders by Seishi Yokomizo (1/5/25)
Stabbed: The Art School Murders by Moray Dalton (1/20/25)
Shot: Poison for Teacher by Nancy Spain [one was poisoned--but also one shot] (1/31/25)
Poisoned: The Cloisters by Katy Hays (1/24/25)
Blunt Instrument:
BONUS--Pulitzer Prize
Who--you figured out who did it before the protagonist:
What--title at least six words: The Girl from the Mimosa Club by Leslie Ford (2/6/25)
Where--set in fictional place you'd like to live: Capital Crimes: London Mysteries by Martin Edwards, ed (2/10/25)
When--during a holiday (not Christmas or Halloween)
Extra Bonus--Nobel Prize
Horoscope: Pick a horoscope from the 15th of any month and read a book related to the horoscope
I haven't heard of this challenge before. I would love to participate but already have alot of challenges for this year.
So do I, Laura, so do I. :-) But I just can't resist some of these.
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