So...just as a reminder. This little ol' book blog was started as an online book journal for me--a place for me to record my thoughts about books. I'm about to go off full-tilt on this book. If you absolutely adore MaryJanice Davidson and her little band of "Undead and..." characters, then go directly to Goodreads (or some other book/review platform) and look for all the four- and five-star reviews. Do not pass through the review below. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. I'm not here to tick anyone off or step on anybody's toes. I deliberately did not post this on Goodreads--so I'm not looking to pick a fight with the author. I just need to get this out of my system....
Okay. I'll admit right here, upfront that paranormal anything isn't my usual reading fare. But after reading Gail Carriger's Soulless (and etc), I'm game to try any that come my way that sound promising and can be used for a challenge or three. Undead & Unpopular was such a one. And, yes, I realize that I entered this party in mid-stream (#5 in the Undead series)...but, honest-to-goodness I can't see that starting at the beginning would have helped. I don't particularly feel like I've missed anything because comments throughout give a fair idea of what has happened in previous books.
The main problem: I do not care for any of the characters. Not one. They are flat and unsympathetic. And I especially do not care for Betsy Taylor--primary protagonist, Vampire Queen, and needless grump because she doesn't want to drink blood. I can't get up a lot of enthusiasm for a character whose primary response to anything and everything that happens to her is to drop the f-bomb. And repeatedly for emphasis in case you didn't catch when she said it the first time.
And maybe it's just me, but I don't really see much of a plot here. I mean we spend a lot of time talking about the wedding she's planning with her Vampire King and fiance, Eric Sinclair. We watch her react to the news that her best friend has cancer (and rack up the highest total of f-bombs for a single scene). She has to meet with a delegation of powerful European vampires--one of whom winds up dead (re-dead? not sure how the undead becomes even more dead...but anyway). And there's a zombie. But even with all that going on....nothing really seems to happen. No plot movement.
This was billed as a fun, delightful little bit of chick lit...witty and funny--a romantic comedy (which I'm totally claiming for a challenge because that's one of the reasons I read it....even if I couldn't find much evidence of wit, fun, or comedy lurking amongst the pages). I'm sorry, but I just didn't care for this at all--I don't know if it was the paranormal or the chick lit portion that made it the more unpalatable, but either way, a most disappointing read. I gave it one star on Goodreads....but, honestly, I rounded it up.
This is a book that I'll never read. It sounds dire. I had a quick look on Goodreads (because I'd never heard of this author) and can't believe how many 4 and 5 stars this book has got!
It really is dire...at least for me. I guess if you love it, you really do love it.
You're a braver person than I, Bev!
This is the worst rip-off of the Sookie Stackhouse garbage I ever heard of. Yes, I've read two of those books and lived to tell the tale! No more for me though.
I can't tell you how fed up I am with vampires and zombies.
John: I'm beginning to think that I need to rein in my challenge urges. On the one hand, I like to do some that stretch me a bit...otherwise I would miss out on some of the newer stuff and wouldn't poke my head beyond the classic mystery and SF boundaries. But...then I run into stuff like this....
I appreciate your honesty. Great review!
For some reason this was refreshingly fun and funny to read! Hilarious. And I'm sure you feel better now!
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