1. | JoAnne Isgro | 162. | Sergio@Tipping My Fedora (Maigret Sets A Trap) | |
2. | Pretty Sinister Books (Murder from the Grave) | 163. | Becky (Daughter of Time) | |
3. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Puzzle of the Silver Persian) | 164. | You Book Me All Night Long (Hamlet, Revenge! by Michael Innes) | |
4. | a hot cup of pleasure (Lady-Killer by Anthony Gilbert, 1951) | 165. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Miss Silver Deals with Death) | |
5. | Donna@ScrambledBooks.com (The Nursing Home Murder) | 166. | Matt's Book Blog (The Second Man) | |
6. | JoAnne Isgro/the ghost of guir house | 167. | Matt's Book Blog (A Dram of Poison) | |
7. | JoAnne Isgro/the circular staircase | 168. | Matt's Book Blog (Case of the One-eyed Witness)) | |
8. | JoAnne Isgro/behind a mask | 169. | Matt's Book Blog (Murder at the Flea Club) | |
9. | JoAnne Isgro/the after house | 170. | Matt's Book Blog (Too Much of Water) | |
10. | a hot cup of pleasure (Holocaust House by Norbert Davis) | 171. | Becky (Envious Casca) | |
11. | JoAnne Isgro/Casino Royale | 172. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Murder on Safari) | |
12. | Carol's Notebook (False Scent by Ngaio Marsh) | 173. | Deb (Hound of the Baskervilles) | |
13. | JoAnne Isgro/the scapegoat | 174. | LesBlatt@Classic Mysteries ("Revelations of a Lady Detective," by William Stephens Hayward) | |
14. | Donna @ ScrambledBooks.com (The Case of the Gilded Fly) | 175. | Matt's Book Blog (Plunder of the Sun) | |
15. | You Book Me All Night Long (Dead Men Don't Ski by Patricia Moyes) | 176. | LesBlatt@Classic Mysteries ("The Puzzle of the Happy Hooligan," by Stuart Palmer | |
16. | Srivalli (The Case of the Late Pig) | 177. | Matt's Book Blog (The Devil Loves Me) | |
17. | JoAnne Isgro/My Cousin Rachel | 178. | Matt's Book Blog (The Red Box) | |
18. | Srivalli (White Face) | 179. | Becky (Strong Poison) | |
19. | Sergio@Tipping my Fedora (The Girl who had to Die by Elizabeth Sanxay Holding) | 180. | Becky (The Five Red Herrings) | |
20. | JoAnne Isgro/Behold, Here's Poison | 181. | Heather @ Readioactive (The Talented Mr. Ripley) | |
21. | Carol's Notebok (The Big Four) | 182. | Matt's Book Blog (Bury Me Deep) | |
22. | TracyK (Murder at the Vicarage) | 183. | a hot cup of pleasure - Death in Retirement by Josephine Bell (1953) | |
23. | TracyK (The Thin Man) | 184. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Murder Within Murder) | |
24. | Riedel Fascination (Ghost Town Treasure) | 185. | LesBlatt@Classic Mysteries (The Thin Man, by Dashiell Hammett) | |
25. | Srivalli (The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov) | 186. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - The Unsuspected by Charlotte Armstrong | |
26. | JoAnne@LitlequeenRules/The Window at the White Cat | 187. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Chinese Parrot) | |
27. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Cavalier's Cup) | 188. | Matt's Book Blog (The Big Clock) | |
28. | TracyK (The Caves of Steel by Asimov) | 189. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie | |
29. | Cat @ Tell Me A Story (Hag's Nook) | 190. | Matt's Book Blog (Master of the Day of Judgment)) | |
30. | Riedel Fascination (Ginnie & The Mystery House) | 191. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Tragedy at Law) | |
31. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Corpses at Indian Stones) | 192. | Matt's Book Blog (The High Window) | |
32. | Srivalli (Five Passengers from Lisbon) | 193. | Matt's Book Blog (The Bride Wore Black) | |
33. | a hot cup of pleasure (The Body on the Beam by Anthony Gilbert, 1932) | 194. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Death in Zanzibar) | |
34. | Deb@Mysteries in the Woods (Love Lies Bleeding) | 195. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Riddle of the Sands) | |
35. | Arenel @ Slightly Cultural, etc. (A Study in Scarlet & The Sign of Four) | 196. | Becky (Blunt Instument) | |
36. | JoAnne@LitlequeenRules/Dead asDinosaur | 197. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Death & the Gentle Bull) | |
37. | Riedel Fascination (The Hidden Staircase) | 198. | Rich@Past Offences (Greenmantle - John Buchan) | |
38. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (A Lighthearted Quest) | 199. | Rich@Past Offences (Revelations of a Lady Detective) | |
39. | TracyK (Crooked House by Agatha Christie) | 200. | Rich@Past Offences (Nina Bawden -The Odd Flamingo) | |
40. | a hot cup of pleasure (Some Buried Caesar by Rex Stout, 1939) | 201. | Rich@Past Offences (Forrester - The Female Detective) | |
41. | Donna @ ScrambledBooks.com (Madame Maigret's Friend) | 202. | Rich@Past Offences (Best Detective Stories of Cyril Hare) | |
42. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (Live and Let Die) | 203. | Landslide@Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo (Evil Under the Sun) | |
43. | Riedel Fascination (Thunder On The Right) | 204. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier | |
44. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (Mysterious Mr. Quin) | 205. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Mummy Case Mystery) | |
45. | LesBlatt@Classic Mysteries (No Coffin for the Corpse by Clayton Rawson) | 206. | Rose City Reader (Beast in View) | |
46. | MaryR (The Black Mountain) | 207. | Srivalli ( The Mountains have a secret) | |
47. | MaryR (Why Shoot a Butler?) | 208. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie | |
48. | MaryR (Enter a Murderer) | 209. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Dead Man Control) | |
49. | LesBlatt@Classic Mysteries (Gaudy Night, by Dorothy L. Sayers) | 210. | MaryR (Five Red Herrings) | |
50. | Riedel Fascination (Mystery In The Pirate Oak) | 211. | Rich@Past Offences (The Notting Hill Mystery) | |
51. | Riedel Fascination (The Secret Of The Old Clock) | 212. | LesBlatt@Classic Mysteries ("The Case with Nine Solutions," by J. J. Connington) | |
52. | MaryR (Plague Court Murders) | 213. | Matt (Three Sisters Flew Home) | |
53. | Dreadful Summit (Sergio@Tipping My Fedora) | 214. | Rich@Past Offences (Michael Innes - The Journeying Boy) | |
54. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (Casino Royale) | 215. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Spotted Hemlock) | |
55. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (White Cottage Mystery) | 216. | LesBlatt@Classic Mysteries ("The Lodger," by Marie Belloc Lowndes) | |
56. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (Gaudy Night) | 217. | Bev@My Reader's Block (London Particular) | |
57. | Donna @ Scrambled Books | 218. | Matt (Widow's Web) | |
58. | Donna @ Scrambled Books | 219. | JoAnne@LitlequeenRules (The Case of the Crooked Candle) | |
59. | JoAnne@LitlequeenRules/Plot It Yourself | 220. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Mist on the Saltings) | |
60. | Srivalli- I and My True Love by Helen MacInnes | 221. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Black Stage) | |
61. | Srivalli - Below Suspicion by John Dickson Carr | 222. | LesBlatt@Classic Mysteries (Glass on the Stairs, by Margaret Scherf) | |
62. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (Four Lost Ladies) | 223. | Bev@My Reader's Block (A Study in Scarlet) | |
63. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Green Plaid Pants) | 224. | Deb (The Red House Mystery) | |
64. | LesBlatt@Classic Mysteries (The Fingerprint, by Patricia Wentworth) | 225. | Sergio@Tipping My Fedora (The Living and the Dead) | |
65. | JoAnne@LitlequeenRules/Daughter of Time | 226. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Till Death Do Us Part) | |
66. | Riedel Fascination "The Secret Adversary" | 227. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Long Farewell) | |
67. | The Case of the Late Pig (Sergio@Tipping My Fedora) | 228. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Death in the Air) | |
68. | MaryR (Maigret in Holland) | 229. | Matt (Untimely Death) | |
69. | MaryR (Death of a Peer) | 230. | Nina@ The Great Detective (Our Jubilee Is Death) | |
70. | Rich@Past Offences (The Thirty-Nine Steps) | 231. | Matt (Tour de Force) | |
71. | Srivalli- Double, Double by Ellery Queen | 232. | Becky (Case of the Cautious Coquette) | |
72. | Riedel Fascination "Mystery At Lilac Inn" | 233. | Becky (Death on the Nile) | |
73. | Debbie Rodgers @Exurbanis (Death of a Fool) | 234. | Becky (Death in the Clouds) | |
74. | Debbie Rodgers @Exurbanis (A Shilling for Candles) | 235. | Nina@The Great Detective (Death of a Godmother) | |
75. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Lady in the Morgue) | 236. | Nina @ The Great Detective (Death Mask) | |
76. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - Murder in the Mews by Agatha Christie | 237. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - Miss Silver Comes to Stay by Patricia Wentworth | |
77. | Nell @ living is a great adventure (The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins) | 238. | Nina @ The Great Detective (The Eighth Mrs. Bluebeard) | |
78. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - The Great Prince Shan by E. Phillips Oppenheim | 239. | Monica@A Thousand Lives (Wicked Women: Mrs McGinty is Dead) | |
79. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries(Case of the Vanishing Beauty) | 240. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Door) | |
80. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (Crows Can't Count) | 241. | MaryR (Mystery of the Blue Train) | |
81. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (The Dishonest Murderer) | 242. | Rich@Past Offences (Patricia Highsmith: The Talented Mr Ripley) | |
82. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - The Sleeping Bride by Dorothy Eden | 243. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Deat at the Bar) | |
83. | Becky (Final Curtain) | 244. | Bev@My Reader's Block (A Bullet in the Ballet) | |
84. | Becky (Cape Cod Mystery) | 245. | Becky (Black Dudley Murder) | |
85. | Becky (Why Shoot A Butler?) | 246. | Nina@The Great Detective (Not Quite Dead Enough) | |
86. | Becky (Case of the Late Pig) | 247. | Srivalli - The Curse of the Bronze Lamp | |
87. | Becky (Hamlet Revenge) | 248. | Mel Savage (Enormous Shadow - Harling) | |
88. | Becky (Peril at End House) | 249. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Murder & Blueberry Pie) | |
89. | Becky (Unpleasantness at Bellona Club) | 250. | Badge of Evil (Sergio@Tipping My Fedora) | |
90. | JoAnne@Litlequeen Rules/Secret of the Golden Pavillion | 251. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Malcolm Sage, Detective) | |
91. | Becky (Lord Edgware Dies/13 At Dinner) | 252. | Linda@PhillyReader (Ride the Pink Horse) | |
92. | Deb (The Moonstone by Wilkie Colins) | 253. | Landslide@Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo (Murder is Easy) | |
93. | The Green Plaid Pants (Sergio@Tipping My Fedora) | 254. | Linda@PhillyReader (The White Cottage Mystery) | |
94. | Pretty Sinister Books (A Woman in Purple Pajamas ) | 255. | MaryR (Have His Carcase) | |
95. | Rich@Past Offences Brighton Rock by Graham Greene | 256. | MaryR (Death in Ecstasy) | |
96. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Lady Vanishes) | 257. | You Book Me All Night Long (Behold, Here's Poison by Georgette Heyer) | |
97. | Les Blatt @ Classic Mysteries (The Chinese Orange Mystery, by Ellery Queen) | 258. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Dreadful Hollow) | |
98. | Rich@Past Offences (The Riddle of the Sands) | 259. | Linda@PhillyReader (Four False Weapons) | |
99. | You Book Me All Night Long (Death in the Stocks by Georgette Heyer) | 260. | Linda@PhillyReader (Octagon House) | |
100. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (Above Suspicion) | 261. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Death Knocks Three Times) | |
101. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (The Case of the Howling Dog) | 262. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Yellow Violet) | |
102. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - The Confession & Sight Unseen by Mary Roberts Rinehart | 263. | Carol's Notebook (The Roman Hat Mystery( | |
103. | The Black Dudley Murder (Sam@BookedonaFeeling) | 264. | You Book Me All Night Long (A Whiff of Death by Isaac Asimov) | |
104. | Donna @ Scrambled Books (Wicked Uncle) | 265. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - The Window at the White Cat by Mary Roberts Rinehart | |
105. | TracyK (The Body in the Library) | 266. | Blackmailer by George Axelrod (Sergio@Tipping My Fedora) | |
106. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Unhappy Hooligan) | 267. | The Big Clock by Kenneth Fearing (Sergio@Tipping My Fedora) | |
107. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - The Deadly Travellers by Dorothy Eden | 268. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Murder at Cambridge) | |
108. | MarjR Marj's Mysteries (Murder on Wheels) | 269. | Landslide@Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo (The Labours of Hercules) | |
109. | Cat (Why Shoot a Butler?) | 270. | Landslide@Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo (Mrs. McGinty's Dead) | |
110. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Sally's in the Alley) | 271. | Death in Captivity by Michael Gilbert (Tipping My Fedora) | |
111. | JoAnne@LitlequeenRules (A Kiss Before Dying) | 272. | MaryR (Spinsters in Jeopardy) | |
112. | Les Blatt @ Classic Mysteries (The Case of the Gilded Fly, by Edmund Crispin) | 273. | Deadly Weapon by Wade Miller (Sergio@Tipping M | |
113. | Pretty Sinister Books (Murder in Blue) | 274. | The Four Just Men (Sergio@TIpping My Fedora) | |
114. | Rich@Past Offences (Green for Danger, Christianna Brand) | 275. | MarjR @ MarjsMysteries (Pattern For Panic) | |
115. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Mystery of Hunting's End) | 276. | You Book Me All Night Long (The Roman Hat Mystery by Ellery Queen) | |
116. | Srivalli- The Problem of the Green Capsule | 277. | MarjR @ MarjsMysteries (The Penguin Pool Murder) | |
117. | Donna@Scrambled Books (Maigret and the Toy Village and Maigret and the Man on the Bench | 278. | MarjR @ MarjsMysteries (Murder on the Blackboard) | |
118. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Black Widow) | 279. | MarjR @ MarjsMysteries (Mystery of the Silver Persian) | |
119. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - Dumb Witness by Agatha Christie | 280. | The Drowning Pool (Sergio@Tipping My Fedora) | |
120. | Pretty Sinister Books (Mystery at Stowe) | 281. | You Book Me All Night Long (They Found Him Dead by Georgette Heyer) | |
121. | Someone is Bleeding (Sergio@Tipping My Fedora) | 282. | TracyK@Bitter Tea & Mystery (The Big Sleep) | |
122. | Adventures of Jimmie Dale (Wollamshram) | 283. | Winter Murder Case (Sergio@Tipping My Fedora) | |
123. | LesBlatt @ Classic Mysteries (Blind Drifts, by Clyde B. Clason) | 284. | Linda@PhillyReader (Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie | |
124. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - Lost Ecstasy by Mary Roberts Rinehart | 285. | Rich@Past Offences (Agatha Christie's Crooked House) | |
125. | You Book Me All Night Long (The Poisoned Chocolates Case by Anthony Berkeley) | 286. | Rich@Past Offences (William Le Queux' The Doctor of Pimlico) | |
126. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - That Which is Crooked by Doris Miles Disney | 287. | Landslide@Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo (The Case of the Late Pig) | |
127. | MaryR (The Chinese Orange Mystery) | 288. | Landslide@Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo (The Body in the Library) | |
128. | a hot cup of pleasure (Death in Cyprus by M.M. Kaye) | 289. | Srivalli- Emil and the Detectives | |
129. | Ekaterina @ In My Book (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) | 290. | a hot cup of pleasure (Death Whispers by J.B. Carr) | |
130. | TracyK (The Chinese Parrot) | 291. | a hot cup of pleasure (In Matto's Realm by Friedrich Glauser) | |
131. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Mountains Have a Secret) | 292. | If I Die Before I Wake (Tipping My Fedora) | |
132. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - Puzzle for Fools by Patrick Quentin | 293. | Linda@PhillyReader (Seeing is Believing by Carter Dickson) | |
133. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Devil's Stronghold) | 294. | Monica@A Thousand Lives (Murder by the numbers: Towards Zero) | |
134. | Ryan @ Wordsmithonia - A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle | 295. | Monica@A Thousand Lives (Dangerous Beasts: The Hound of Death) | |
135. | Rich@Past Offences (Rogue Male - Geoffrey Household) | 296. | a hot cup of pleasure (Black Plumes by Margery Allingham) | |
136. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Holiday Homicide) | 297. | a hot cup of pleasure (Behind the Green Door bu Mildred Wirt) | |
137. | Pretty Sinister Books (Death in Limelight) | 298. | a hot cup of pleasure (Heads You Lose by Christianna Brand) | |
138. | Pretty Sinister Books (Here Comes a Chopper) | 299. | a hot cup of pleasure (The Reluctant Widow by Georgette Heyer) | |
139. | LesBlatt@Classic Mysteries (Vultures in the Sky, by Todd Downing) | 300. | a hot cup of pleasure (The Musical Comedy Crime by Anthony Gilbert) | |
140. | Pretty Sinister Books (Murder Plays an Ugly Scene) | 301. | a hot cup of pleasure (Mysteries by Knut Hamsun) | |
141. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Inland Passage) | 302. | Landslide@Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo (The Sign of Four) | |
142. | LesBlatt @ Classic Mysteries (Vintage Murder, by Ngaio Marsh) | 303. | Srivalli- The Tiger in the Smoke | |
143. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Talking Sparrow Murders) | 304. | Linda@PhillyReader (Night at the Vulcan by Ngaio Marsh) | |
144. | a hot cup of pleasure - Affair at Aliquid & Burglars in Bucks | 305. | Srivalli- The Lodger | |
145. | Rich@Past Offences (Cop Hater - Ed McBain) | 306. | Think Twice by Ayn Rand (Tipping My Fedora) | |
146. | LesBlatt @ Classic Mysteries ("Murder at Cambridge," by Q. Patrick | 307. | Linda@PhillyReader (The 12:30 from Croydon) | |
147. | Kristen@Lost Piece's (There Was an Old Woman) | 308. | Srivalli- John Thorndyke's Cases | |
148. | Kristen@Lost Pieces (Lord Peter Books 1-3) | 309. | Srivalli-Fever | |
149. | Kristen@Lost Pieces (A Man Lay Dead) | 310. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Maigret's Christmas) | |
150. | Kristen@Lost Pieces (Inspector Queen's Own Case) | 311. | Laura | |
151. | MaryR (Lord Edgware Dies) | 312. | Monica@A Thousand Lives (Amateur Night: Destination Unknown) | |
152. | Becky (The Red Box) | 313. | RIEDEL Fascination "The Secret Of Shadow Ranch" | |
153. | LesBlatt@Classic Mysteries ("Fatal Descent," by Carter Dickson and John Rhode (John Dickson Carr and Cecil Street)) | 314. | RIEDEL Fascination "Murder On The Links" | |
154. | Carol's Notebook (Strong Poison) | 315. | RIEDEL Fascination "Fer-De-Lance" | |
155. | Bev@My Reader's Block (Sleep No More) | 316. | Abbhi | |
156. | Carol's Notebook (Clouds of Witness) | 317. | RIEDEL Fascination "The Sign Of Four" | |
157. | Ekaterina @ In My Book (Murder in Two Flats) | 318. | RIEDEL Fascination | |
158. | MaryR (Nursing Home Murder) | 319. | Srivalli- Fireside Mystery Book | |
159. | Bev@My Reader's Block (The Curse of the Bronze Lamp) | 320. | RIEDEL Fascination "Catch-As-Catch-Can" | |
160. | Landslide@Tantos Livros Tão Pouco Tempo (Clouds of Witness) | 321. | RIEDEL Fascination "The Tower Treasure" | |
161. | Pretty Sinister Books (Too Many Bones) | 322. | Monica@A Thousand Lives (Repeat Offenders: Cards on the Table) | |
Dear bev,
belatedly posted my first contribution to the contest - for some reason on my browser all the entries of the third column on the right are totally squished though - is this just me?
All the best.
Bev, I am spacey today and linked my first vintage mystery in the wrap-up post area. I apologize. Can you remove it?
I did add the link in the correct place, #21.
TracyK: Done!
Since I'm not writing reviews, can I just leave a comment with the titles and what categories they fit. I already have a few of them read.
Hello mystery fans! I'm done the whole thing! With membership in over 30 themes, it's great to check off groups early in the year. I imagine a closing post is unrequired, with my page showing all review links?
I avoid traffic on my blog and scaring away readers of my articles (sign-up posts were a blur alone). I have Bev's mountain to tackle, so I'm still with her and ALWAYS welcome comments from all of you. :-)
Happily, Carolyn!
Oh dear, have to switch one of my planned categories as I misunderstood where the book took place! Had assigned "The Moonstone" to World Traveler but it really is Cops and Robbers.
Hi Bev - apologies, but I posted my review of THE GREEN PLAID PANTS in the wrap up section by mistake so it's now in both sections - sorry that my incompetence strikes again!
Debra: No problem! feel free to change categories as necessary.
Sergio: I will take care of the errant post asap.
I messed up on the link on #110...it was a link to your category page!! Sorry! and Thanks if you can fix it!!
jmisgro: Taken care of! No problem.
Oops! Apparently I put up one of my reviews as a wrap-up. I'm sorry. Any way you can delete it?
Carol...will fix asap.
I just added my 11th review, this one in the Get out of Jail Free category. I decided it was a Medical Mystery: involving a doctor, nurse, etc. I thought this was a category but it wasn't so I used it. Maybe it could be if you do this again.
I am not writing reviews, but I am keeping my list on my blog. I've finished the first tier (8 books) and am nearly finished with the second! This is a wonderful challenge! Thanks for hosting it!
Hi Bev
Have posted the review of Death in Retirement which I got from the publishers Bello for participating in this challenge.
Once again. thanks for hosting this challenge. Hope your father has recovered fully by now.
I read 20 books for this challenge and decided I needed to wrap it up now or I will never get my other challenges finished before the end of the year. I had a great time with these books. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful challenge!
Dear Bev
Have completed the challenge. Will be signing up soon for the 2014 edition. Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful challenge year after year.
Not having a blog, after consulting with Bev I’ve just posted a wrap-up link above (as Gary @ Blogless in Berkeley) to a page on my (seldom used) web site where I’ve listed, and to some extent described/discussed, the vintage mysteries I’ve read in 2013, matching them to categories.
If anyone is interested in seeing just the names of the books, authors, and matching categories, I’ve posted a list showing only that information at an alternate site, http://www.garymcdole.com/VMClist2013.htm
I appreciate having been able to crash the party at a late date (I was a November signup), and I’ve enjoyed reading some of the other reviews and blogs that I've learned of through this Challenge.
Gary: Just read through your synopses of the books you read this year. I know I've already said it--but thanks so much for joining us! Your mini-reviews are succinct and terrific and you've just added several new authors/books to my "Must Find and Read" list. I do hope that you'll join in with us on the 2014 version (click on link towards the top of my blog).
Happy new year from 'RIEDEL Fascination', mystery fans!!!! The 'linkies' for "Vintage" and "Mount" don't expire this day. Please shoot an e-mail if I'm mistaken. If not corrected; I'm gathering you give a few days in January to finish reviews and wrap-ups. If you aren't tallying today, this is a very gratifying break.
I'm done the game's requirements. When I catch my breath, I'll add the doubled 8 I accomplished. :) Yours Sincerely, Carolyn. http://cmriedel.wordpress.com/ethereal-2014/
Would you correct #313? A weird paranthesis turned up, instead of "The" that precedes my title.
Ah, it's an optical illusion. It looked like a square bracket at the end of my first lines. It's merely that the full first line doesn't show and it's half the "T" that we're seeing.
Please correct "Fascination" in #318. I've been swamped. Don't fret if my blog wrap-up doesn't appear caught up for a few days. Happy new year to 2014!
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