Friday, December 13, 2024

Alphabet Soup Author Edition 2025


The Alphabet Soup Challenge--Author Edition is a companion challenge for Lori's Alphabet Soup Challenge. The goal is to read books by authors whose first, middle, or last name will allow us to read one book for every letter of the alphabet. If you'd like to join in, please click on the link above for full details. X & Z keep getting trickier for me--especially since I'm trying to read primarily from my own shelves. So--my declared personal goal is 13 books (half the alphabet). I will try to do all 26, but if I meet 13, I can count the challenge complete on my challenge tracker page.

B: In Such Good Company by Carol Burnett (1/22/25)
C: "Inquest" by Henrietta Clandon (2/21/25)
D: The Art School Murders by Moray Dalton (1/20/25)
E: Capital Crimes by Martin Edwards, ed (2/10/25)
F: The Girl from the Mimosa Club by Leslie Ford (2/6/25)
G: Murder in Williamstown by Kerry Greenwood (2/15/25)
H: The Cloisters by Katy Hays (1/24/25)
K: The Last Resort by Michael Kaufman (2/13/25)
L: No Vacation from Murder by Elizabeth Lemarchand (3/18/25)
M: The Deadly Truth by Helen McCloy (1/15/25)
N: No Vacation from Murder by Elizabeth Lemarchand (3/18/25)
S: Poison for Teacher by Nancy Spain (1/31/25)
T: Dangerous Davies: The Last Detective by Leslie Thomas (1/11/25)
V: The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge (2/1/25)
W: The Price of Silence by Kate Wilhelm (1/10/25)
Y: The Devil's Flute Murders by Seishi Yokomizo (1/5/25)

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