I'm back for another round of Liz's reading challenge at The 52 Book Club. Hers is a low-key challenge, so there is no pressure to fulfill all 52 categories I'm setting a personal goal of 26. I may read more that fit the categories, but at 26 I can claim my challenge goal fulfilled. Several times in the past I've managed to pull off all 52--so who knows, maybe I'll get there again. I'll list some tentative selections below and update as needed.
1. Pun in the Title: No Police Like Holmes by Dan Andriacco
2. Character with Red Hair: The Corpse with the Red-Headed Friend by R. A. J. Walling
3. Title starts with Letter "M": Murder in Williamstown by Kerry Greenwood (2/15/25)
4. Title starts with Letter "N": Nothing Is the Number When You Die by Joan Fleming (3/12/25)
5. Plot Includes a Heist: Still as Death by Sarah Stewart Taylor
6. Genre 1 Set in Spring:
7. Genre 2 Set in Summer: Ambush for Anatol by John Sherwood [Action/Adventure/Thriller] (3/17/25)
8. Genre 3 Set in Autumn: Murder by Lamplight by Patrice McDonough [Historical Mystery; main action in November] (3/19/25)
9. Genre 4 Set in Winter: Thief Is an Ugly Word by Paul Gallico [Mystery/War Propaganda; takes place in January] (2/17/25)
10. Author's Last Name is a First Name: Dangerous Davies: The Last Detective by Leslie Thomas (1/11/25)
11. A Prequel: Death Cloud: Sherlock Holmes the Legend Begins by Andrew Lane (library)
12. Moon on Cover:
13. Title Is Ten Letters or Less: "Inquest" by Henrietta Clandon (2/21/25)
14. Climate Fiction: The Last Resort by Michael Kaufman (2/13/25)
15. Includes Latin American History
16. Author Has Won an Edgar: The Cipher Garden (or other book) by Martin Edwards
17. Told in Verse:
18. Character Who Can Fly: The Green Mill Murder by Kerry Greenwood [Phryne Fisher flies a plane] (3/23/25)
19. Has Short Chapters: The Girl from the Mimosa Club by Leslie Ford (2/6/25)
20. Fairy Tale Retelling: Poisoned Apples: Poems For You, My Pretty by Christine Heppermann (3/20/25)
21. Character's Name in Title: Dead Mrs. Stratton by Anthony Berkeley
22. Found Family Trope
23. Sprayed Edge: The Benson Murder Case by S. S. Van Dine
24. Title Is a Spoiler: Death in Shallow Water by Miles Burton (2/24/25)
25. Breaks the Fourth Wall: Poison for Teacher by Nancy Spain (1/31/25)
26. More Than a Million Copies Sold: The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco (over 50 million sold)
27. Features a Magician: Death from a Top Hat by Clayton Rawson
28. Crossover (Set in Shared Universe): The Incredible Umbrella by Marvin Kaye (3/21/25) [world of Sherlock Holmes]
29. Shares Universe with Prompt 28:
30. In the Public Domain:
31. Audiobook Has Multiple Narrators:
32. Includes a Diary Entry:
33. Standalone Novel: The Price of Silence by Kate Wilhelm (1/10/25)
34. Direction in the Title:
35. Written in the Third Person: The Book of Killowen by Erin Hart (2/4/25)
36. Final Sentence Less Than Six Words Long: The Deadly Truth by Helen McCloy ["She wasn't worth it..."] (1/15/25)
37. Genre Chosen for You by Someone Else: Lord Darcy by Randall Garrett [fantasy/detective--chosen by my son] (3/9/25)
38. Adventure Story:
39. Has an Epigraph: The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge [actually has two] (2/1/25)
40. Stream of Consciousness Narrative (YIKES): Tarantula by Bob Dylan (library)
41. Cover Font In Primary Color: Dick Van Dyke by Christy Webster [yellow] (1/25/25)
42. Non-Human Antagonist:
43. Explores Social Class:
44. Celebrity on Cover: In Such Good Company by Carol Burnett (1/22/25)
45. Author Releases More Than One Book a Year: The Feathered Serpent by Edgar Wallace
46. Read During a "-Ber" Month:
47. "I Think It Was Blue": Murder on the Orient Express: The Graphic Novel by Agatha Christie/Bob Al-Greene (2/22/25)
48. Related to Word Puzzle: Puzzle in Porcelain by Robin Grey (Elizabeth Gresham)
49. Set in Country With Active Volcano: The Devil's Flute Murders by Seishi Yokomizo [Japan] (1/5/25)
50. Set in the 1940s: The Art School Murders by Moray Dalton [pub 1943; takes place during WWII] (1/20/25)
51. 300-400 Pages Long:
52. Published in 2025: Who Will Remember by C. S. Harris
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