Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Murder by the Book: Mini-Review

When I had a brief break in the action around the Hankins homestead early last month, I sat down and listened the audio of the radio play version of Murder by the Book (2005) by Stepehen Sheridan. This cozy little story with a timeless feel features two librarians at the small village library in Langston who fill their slow hours by reading their favorite detective stories. They're particularly fond of Agatha Christie and are quick to don their Miss Marple personas when the unlikeable owner of the town's only bookshop is found murdered in their stacks.

True to the world of cozy mysteries, they find the police haring off on the wrong track and rush in to question their friends and neighbors in an effort to clear the nephew of the dead man. They're not nearly as expert at the amateur detective game as their idol, however, and they manage to (comically) ruffle a few feathers along the way--but in the end they are able to set a trap and help the police capture the right villain.

This was an entertaining bit of fluff that provided a pleasant afternoon of listening. The actors giving voice to the characters were excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed following along with the ladies as they tried their hand at solving crime.  ★★

[Finished on 5/8/18]

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