Friday, May 31, 2024

Book Challenge by Erin 21.0


Book Challenge by Erin 21.0Book Challenge by Erin 21.0

First and foremost, have fun. Don't stress. No one is being judged, graded, or penalized. Even if you finish only one book the entire challenge, if you enjoy it and it's an accomplishment for you, then that's awesome.

The challenge runs from July 1, 2024 - October 31, 2024. You submit your book list prior to beginning the challenge. Exchanges are accepted for the first round, but not in the bonus round (announced later). No books started before 12 a.m. on July 1 or finished after 11:59 p.m. on October 31 will count. (We live in different time zones--follow according to your own time zone.) Each book must be at least 200 pages long. Audio books are fine too. Read one book for each category. For full details see Erin's page on Facebook (link above). You will need to join the private group to view (link above).

Initial challenge complete:

Book Challenge by Erin 21.0 – Categories

• 5 points: Freebie – Read a book that is at least 200 pages
Death in a Small World by Laura Colburn [Ian McMahan] (207 pages) [7/20/24]
Bonus Round: Reading Up a Storm by Eva Gates (9/7/24)

• 10 points: Read a book with a two-word title (note: articles A, AN or THE count as a word)
Castle Skull by John Dickson Carr (238 pages) [8/25/24]
Bonus Round: Thin Air by Ann Cleeves (9/8/24)

• 10 points: Read a book from this Goodreads list: *Best Books of 2024 (so far)* (
The Phoenix Crown by Kate Quinn (391 pages) [7/4/24]
Bonus Round: The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton (8/28/24)

• 15 points: Read a book because you loved the cover art when you saw the book:
Dance of Death by Helen McCloy (238 pages) [because I love the mapback covers] (8/21/24)
Bonus Round: Terrace Story by Hilary Leichter (9/10/24)

• 20 points: Read a book which is set in more than one country (each country should have a significant role, can't be that first page is set in one country, and then rest in another)
Passport to Crime by Janet Hutchings [ed] (420 pages) [7/28/24]
Bonus Round: The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff

• 20 points: Read a book with a protagonist who plays or coaches a sport or is a member of a sports team:
Crossed Skis by Carol Carnac [Edith Caroline Rivett] (233 pages) [7/31/24]
Bonus Round: Think Twice by Harlan Coben (9/22/24)

• 25 points: Read a book with one of the following words in the title: second, minute, hour, day, week, month or year
The May Week Murders by Douglas G. Browne (220 pages) [8/7/24]
Bonus Round: Coronation Year by Jennifer Robson

• 30 points: Read a book with a mode of transportation on the cover art (e.g. train, car, boat, bicycle, motorcycle, bus, plane…I’d even accept a spaceship!)
The Widow of Bath by Margot Bennett (256 pages) [8/18/24]
Bonus Round: The Rising Tide by Ann Cleeves [9/17/24]

• 30 points: Read a book with a punctuation mark in the title (e.g. comma, apostrophe, hyphen, colon, question mark)
What Rhymes with Murder? by Jack Iams (256 pages) [8/7/24]
Bonus Round: The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side by Agatha Christie (8/29/24)

• 35 points: Read a book with a protagonist who is unemployed or changing jobs
My First Murder from Susan Baker (216 pages) [from parole officer to private eye] (7/21/24)
Bonus Round: The Last Bookshop in London by Madeline Martin (9/15/24)



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