The 13 Moons Reading Challenge by ReadnBuried is comprised of thirteen categories with multiple prompts for each category. Thirteen books (one from each category) will complete the challenge at its most basic level--Penumbral Lunar Eclipse--which is what I will be going for. I may do more, but will consider my challenge commitment complete with 13. If you're feeling ambitious you can try for all 104! Click on the link for full details about all the levels.
Wolf Moon
*Mythology retelling
*"Dance" in title
*With a character who journals
*Reread a book you had to read in High School
* Candle on the cover
*"Bite" in the title
*Features a Restaurant
*Features something Red: Murder in Williamstown by Kerry Greenwood [red dress and red figures on cover] (2/15/25)
Snow Moon
*About a Cyborg
*Set on an Island: Behold a Fair Woman by Francis Duncan (2/26/25)
*About Puzzles
*About your favorite trope
*Borrowed from the Library: The Devil's Flute Murders by Seishi Yokomizo (1/5/25)
*Features something Purple
*About an "Ice Queen"
*About Dreams
Worm Moon
*Book that scares you
*Fifth book on your TBR:
*Features something Light Blue: The Art School Murders by Moray Dalton (1/20/25)
*Start a book at 4 PM (16:00)
*Ladybug on cover
*Book that helps you get out of a reading slump
*Read a book by the Window
*"Salt" in the title
Pink Moon
*Features Religion
*Fourth book you read: The Deadly Truth by Helen McCloy (1/15/25)
*Start a Middle Grade series
*About Star-Crossed lovers
*Features something White: Murder on the Orient Express: The Graphic Novel by Agatha Christie/Bob Al-Greene [snow] (2/22/25)
*With a Step-Parent
*Boots on cover
*About a Writer
Flower Moon
*Start a book before Sunrise
*Features something Green: Dangerous Davies: The Last Detective by Leslie Thomas [green pair of underwear--important clue] (1/11/25)
*Starts with your favorite letter
*Features the Moon
*About Dragons
*About your favorite hobby
*By an Indigenous author
*Butterfly on cover: Dick Van Dyke by Christy Webster (1/25/25)
Strawberry Moon
*Features something Silver
*About a natural phenomenon
*Read/Listen to book while traveling
*Character has same profession as yours
*Dark Academia: The Cloisters by Katy Hays (1/24/25)
*Inspired by your favorite movie
*Eyes on the cover
*About Lies
Buck Moon
*Handbag on cover
*"Fish" in the title
*Character in their Thirties: Deadly Is the Diamond by Mignon G. Eberhart (2/22/25)
*About going back in time
*With a Spaceship
*Written by a Ghostwriter
*Features something Pink: Poison for Teacher by Nancy Spain [pink stripes on cover] (1/31/25)
*Wheels on cover
Sturgeon Moon
*Start book during a Full Moon
*Number in the title: Bodies from the Library 5 by Tony Medawar, ed (3/2/25)
*Metal in the title
*With a Rainbow
*Sandals on the cover
*Has been translated to a different language: Lord Darcy by Randall Garrett [German] (3/9/25)
*Features something Orange
*With a Talking Mirror
Harvest Moon
*Read/Listen while practicing a hobby
*Start on the 15th of the month: "Inquest" by Henrietta Clandon (2/21/25)
*With an Albino character
*About a Thief: The Book of Killowen by Erin Hart (2/4/25)
*Features something Blue
*Dark retelling
*Fan Fiction
*Main character over Forty
Hunter's Moon
*With a made up language
*Book from an Online Platform
*Book you'll fight to read
*Features something Black
*Waste Basket on cover
*Book you think Cures boredom: In Such Good Company by Carol Burnett (1/22/25)
*Whimsical book
*Always on your TBR that you never get to read
Beaver Moon
*Steamy Romance
*Title with word generated from a random word generator
*Cover in color of favorite fruit
*Swan on cover
*Bridge on cover/in title
*Features something Maroon
*About a Dentist
*Golden Trio trope [the 3 Investigators]
Cold Moon
*Read a book under a blanket
*Peppermint Cane on Cover
*Holiday romance
*Features something Turquoise
*Ice Cubes on cover
*Mystery thriller set in cold region
*Book you think will make you shiver
*Read a book while wearing socks: The Price of Silence by Kate Wilhelm (1/10/25)
Blue Moon
*By author who has written no more than one book or series
*Features something Golden: Capital Crimes by Martin Edwards, ed [Golden Age Mysteries] (2/10/25)
*Book you consider a Rare find
*Character with a Rare ability: The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge (2/1/25)
*Book from region which experiences the Blue Hour
*Book gifted to you
*Features triplets
*By a versatile author
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