Saturday, June 8, 2024

Brother Sebastian at Large (mini-review)

 Brother Sebastian at Large (1961) by Chon Day

Brother Sebastian is a whimsical little monk. A man of few words (none in this collection, actually) with an almost mischievous sense of humor. But he's always on the side of the angels and has very positive messages to convey along with the dose of laughter. Very cute, very gentle humor. Apparently Brother Sebastian was pretty popular in the late 50s/early 60s because the author says in a preface that he is now seven years old. In fact, the Brother Sebastian comics appeared in Look magazine from 1954 to 1971, in three book collections (including this one), and Chon Day received the National Cartoonists Society Special Features Award for his Brother Sebastian work in 1969. Since there is no text...

First comic:

Last comic:

Good night, Brother Sebastian. I see you have your alarm clock turned off. 😊

★★ for a pleasant evening's entertainment.

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