Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Teaser Tuesdays

MizB of Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Anyone can play along. Just do the following:

*Grab your current read.*Open to a random page.
*Share two "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page.

*BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! You don't want to ruin the book for others.
*Share the title and author too, so other TT participants can add it to their TBR lists if they like your teaser.

Here's mine from O' Artful Death by Sarah Stewart Taylor (p. 52):
What hadn't come across in the photographs, Sweeney decided, was how deeply troubling the stone was. the woman was both more beautiful and more disturbing than she'd been in the pictures. It was very clear that she was meant to be dead, and with the strange, stylized skeleton peeking over her shoulder like a lecherous imp, there was a palpable sense of violence about the work.


fredamans said...

Creepy cover!

gautami tripathy said...

Some teaser, that is. I like the title and the cover too! Suits the teaser!

Here is my Teaser Tuesday: Real Courage by Michael Meyerhofer post!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I'll bet you can't put this book down.

Jessica G. said...

Great teaser! Remind me a lot of a memorial I saw while visiting London.

Here's mine: http://duckduckcow.blogspot.com/2012/06/teaser-tuesday-dreams-of-terror-and.html