
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Behold a Fair Woman

 Behold a Fair Woman (1954) by Francis Duncan (William Underhill)

Mordecai Tremaine, whose hobby is amateur detecting under the guise of people watching, decides that he needs a little break from bodies he seems to stumble over. His friends Mark and Janet Belmore had invited him to come stay with them at their cottage on the quiet little island of Moulin d'Or. Nothing much ever happens there on the sun-warmed beaches. Well...until Mordecai shows up. 

He makes the acquaintance of other holiday-seekers--those in cottages near the Belmores as well as those staying at the island's Rohane Hotel. What seems at first to be a nice group of young people (well--younger than Mordecai, anyway, who describes himself as elderly) soon prove to be otherwise. There are tensions running underneath the surface and Mordecai's curiosity is aroused by the interactions between hotel owner Hedley Latinam, his sister Ruth, and their guests, Nicola Paston, Geoffrey Bendall, Ivan Holt, Major Ayres, and Mrs. Burres. Every sentence seems to have a double-meaning, but he's got his work cut out to discover what those meanings are. And, although cottage-dwellers Alan and Valerie Creed claim not to know the Latinams, Mordecai chances to see a furtive meeting between Alan and Hedley. The only one who seems well out of it (besides the Belmores) is Ralph Exenley. 

Ralph is another neighbor of the Belmores and Mordecai gets on well with the tomato grower. He takes great interest in Ralph's gardening methods and the amateur detective finds it soothing to have a place where he can just talk about things (while he thinks over what he's observed in his people-watching). But his interest in Ralph's tomato production leads him to the discovery of yet another body. Ralph has an interesting water tank set-up to keep his plants watered and one morning Mordecai asks if he may climb the ladder and check things out. When he does, he discovers Hedley Latinam floating in the tank. 

Ralph knows of Mordecai's reputation as an amateur sleuth and mentions him to Inspector Colinet when he arrives to investigate the case. Soon Mordecai and the Inspector are discovering motives aplenty. And added to the mix is an escaped prisoner who has vowed revenge on the man whose testimony helped put him behind bars. The prisoner has made a beeline for the island...could that have anything to do with Latinam's death? And why do people keep milling about the old, abandoned mill...and then pretending that they weren't really interested in it?  

So...I started at the end of the series. Maybe not the best idea, but at least it doesn't spoil the plot for earlier ones, Generally speaking, I like Duncan's way with characters. Mordecai Tremaine is charming. I love that he secretly loves to read romantic, sentimental stories. He's a people person; genuinely interested in the people around him and his romantic soul would love to see them all happy. But his curiosity also makes him wonder what they're really up to. I have to say, though, he's not much of a detective. He stumbles into things. He overhears conversations. He just happens to be in the right place at the right time to see certain people together. He just happens to hear an odd sound late one night. And that's another thing...lots of coincidences and "just happens." The local church lesson "just happens" to be the very one that will explain a certain phrase to Mordecai just in time for him to figure out a key piece to the puzzle. It's all rather contrived and the wrap-up falls a bit short. 

On the whole, pluses in characterization and the setting balance out the minuses in plot and detection. ★★

First line: The ship's passage through the water had transformed a light breeze into a chilling wind.

But it wasn't his fault that he seemed to have a remarkable propensity for discovering corpses. He didn't go around looking for the bodies of people who'd been murdered; they just happened, and there wasn't anything he could do about it. (p. 144)

When you were faced with such a tangle of problems you needed solitude and a place in which to think. Maybe, in the air and the sunshine, the solution would be easier to find. (p. 230)

Sometimes, though, things you thought were loose ends turn out to be very important indeed. (pp. 285-6)

Last line: Maybe he did know after all.

Deaths = 3 (one hit on head; one shot; one fell from height)

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Death in Shallow Water

 Death in Shallow Water
(1948) by Miles Burton (Cecil Street)

Synopsis (from the book blurb): Three deaths by drowning within the space of a few weeks in one small English parish where nothing untoward has happened for many years are bound to set tongues wagging. One drowned body could have been an accident; two drowned bodies might have been coincidence; but when it comes to a third corpse found in shallow water, even the cautious village policeman began to think it was a bit of a rum go. Soon the experts are call in, and we meet again Inspector Arnold of Scotland Yard and, inevitably, Desmond Merrion, his complement and friend, in an investigation that gets "curiouser and curiouser" as accident begins to look more and more like Murder.

Our first death is Sir William Watkyn, wealthy ex-shipowner. He was out fishing and, presumably, fell off the bank into the shallow water where he was found. He had a weak heart and it's argued that the shock of the fall made it impossible for him to get up. Next, his unpleasant wife Lady Watkyn is found drowned in her bath basin (no--not bath tub, a sink) while she was apparently washing her hair. And it's argued that the fumes from the chloroform included (for who knows what reason) in the hair lotion was enough to make her woozy enough to fall headfirst in the basin and drown. Next up is the handyman who did jobs for both Sir William and his former captain, Captain Barnham.Two more drownings follow (whoever composed the synopsis above evidently couldn't count) and even though they all could have been accidents, it certainly does look funny that so many in the area are drowning in so little water.

So far I've read three mysteries under the Miles Burton pseudonym and this is the weakest outing yet. The villain of the piece is obvious from the moment they saunter onto the page. The "investigations" by various policemen up to and including Inspector Arnold of the Yard are lacklustre at best. There certainly aren't heaps of clues stacked about for the investigators (or the readers) to pick up. And Desmond Merrion, Arnold's amateur detective sidekick, whips up the solution out of nowhere. It's lucky the culprit thinks that Merrion must have evidence to back up his assertive declarations and decides to confess, because I don't know how they'd get a conviction otherwise. And--I'm not entirely sure that the possible collaborator in the plot is really as innocent as they (Merrion and Arnold) make it seem. The wrap-up is pretty messy (it certainly wouldn't meet Poirot's standard for order and method).

I lost interest in the plot by the half-way mark and only kept plodding along so I could count this for the various challenges that I'd lined it up for. I've got two more of the Burton books on my TBR pile and I hope that they each provide a more entertaining mystery. ★★

In Search of the Classic Mystery Novel, Do You Write Under Your Own Name and the Grandest Game in the World have all reviewed this as well. Please check out their take on Burton's late entry in the annals of Arnold & Merrion. 

First line: The man was evidently no stranger to Winderport, for he found his way by the shortest route from the Central Station to Watergate Street without inquiry.

Last line: It was rumoured that he was to be married intended to settle with his wife and her child in New Zealand.

Deaths = 6 (one natural; four drowned; one hanged)

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Murder on the Orient Express: The Graphic Novel

 Murder on the Orient Express: The Graphic Novel story by Agatha Christie (1934)
~adaptation by Bob Al-Greene (2023)

If you would like an in-depth look at Agatha Christie's mystery novel, then please see my previous reviews: HERE and HERE.

This review is devoted to the graphic novel. I'm not generally the target audience for a graphic novel, but when I find one devoted to the mystery field I definitely cannot resist. So, when I discovered that this was out in the world, I immediately put it on my Christmas list for 2023 and one of my personal Santas delivered.

Al-Greene gives us a beautiful book. The artwork is stunning and, for the most part, I appreciated his rendering of the story. I'm not sure that he got Poirot's mustache quite right and I think that he was influenced by Kenneth Branagh's choice for the character. I also thought there was a bit of influence from the interpretation of the final scenes of Branagh's movie--though we have a reversal with Poirot seated at the table and all the suspects standing before him. And we have a slightly more diverse cast (again, as with the film) Just a couple of passing thoughts as I read. But, overall, I absolutely enjoyed Al-Greene's vision of the novel. Given the format, he couldn't give us all of the dialogue word-for-word, but he managed to capture the essence of Christie's work in fewer words without losing anything important. And, unlike screen versions, he also managed to work in all of the essential clues. The few cuts made are handled in such a way that those who have read the story before may notice them, but they certainly won't miss them. This would be an ideal way to introduce more modern readers to one of Christie's more iconic mysteries. ★★★★

Kate at Cross Examining Crime has done a marvelous, in-depth review of the graphic novel and you couldn't do better than check it out.

First line: is Sunday.

Last lines: Then...having placed my solution before you...I have the honor of retiring from the case. Adieu.

Deaths = 4 (one shot; one fell from height; one stabbed; one in childbirth)

Deadly Is the Diamond

 Deadly Is the Diamond
(1942) by Mignon G. Eberhart

The Chabot family are diamond importers. Henry Chabot brings home a fabulous gem dubbed the "Chabot Diamond" and in a joint deal with his sister, Hermione; nephew, Charles; and partner, Pieter Van der Hof, he plans to have the huge stone cut into gems worth two and a half million dollars. Hermione is opposed to having the stone cut. She just "feels" that the stone is cursed and if it is split then even more bad luck will follow it. Henry scoffs and says that the only reason she's fear-mongering is that she wants to wear the large diamond as is. 

But it seems that Hermione may have had a true premonition, for as soon as the expert stone cutter Albert de Burghe finishes splitting the diamond, he drops over dead...apparently poisoned. Was the poison in the milk brought to him by his own niece? Or perhaps in the coffee given to him by Van der Hof? Or the gum he chewed just before his task? When all three are given a clean bill of health it becomes quite a puzzle for the police. How was the man poisoned in front of eight witnesses in a locked room? When two more men in the building die by poisoning as well, the police must decide what the motive must be. They also need to find out what the mysterious dark man who has been shadowing the Chabot family has to do with it.

Another fun novella in the Dell 10 cent series. Eberhart likes to give us female narrators with varying degrees of amateur detective skills. Our narrator here is a writer (not entirely sure what type--journalist, novelist, poet [nah, most likely not a poet]--but I have to say she's not the most observant of women. However, she has an absolutely marvelous butler who loves playing amateur detective and seems to know everything about everything. Mr. Bland is, I believe, my second favorite mystery-related butler. Bunter, Lord Peter's manservant (butler, valet, chauffeur rolled into one), is, of course, number one. But Bland gives Bunter a run for his money. He notices little tidbits that escape his mistress. He follows villains with the best of them. And...he effects the rescue of the damsel in distress--just in the nick of time. Top marks to Eberhart for characterization and atmosphere and for creating a rather nifty impossible crime. ★★★★

First line: Hermione looked out the window, shrugged, and said quite unexpectedly, "It's the little black man that really worries me," and then refused to tell me what little black man; yet that was not really the beginning of the story.

...there's no getting around the fact that murder demands a certain intimacy between the murderer and, so to speak, the murderee. (p. 16)

It was, of course, physically impossible for [Bland, the butler] to put the car away, waft himself up the service elevator (besides almost certainly pausing to inform Mrs. Bland of the stirring events of the day), and appear in the library, tray in hand, in the few moments that had elapsed since I entered the apartment house, leaving him and the car at the door. But there he was, however, large as life. (p.21)

Last line: "I believe dinner is served."


Deaths = 4 (one natural; three poisoned)

Friday, February 21, 2025


(1933) by Henrietta Clandon (Vernon Loder)

In Clandon's debut mystery we find ourselves at a county house part at Hebble Chace. Hebble Chace is home to Marie Hoe-Luss who is now the widow of a wealthy English businessman. About six months ago, the Hoe-Lusses held a house-warming party at their French chateau. The unfortunate ending to that party was the death of William Hoe-Luss, apparently from the accidental ingestion of poisonous mushrooms. As Mr. Hoe-Luss had gathered the mushrooms himself, there was no real investigatio made by the French authorities for foul play--despite the fact that the man also had a broken neck from tumbling down stairs and whispers by certain members of the party that Marie Hoe-Luss made out rather well after her husband's death.

The house party at Hebble Chace is made up entirely of members of that house-warming party in France. Well, except for our narrator, Dr. Soames. Marie has added him to the mix at what seems to be an informal inquest after the fact. And--since Soames obviously wasn't directly involved in the events six months ago, everyone decides to confide in him their thoughts about the death of Hoe-Luss. One of the guests, is a devoted botanist and he tells Soames that none of the poisonous fungi mentioned in the doctor's report were to be found on the chateau grounds. Not long after sharing this information, Simcox, falls to his death from an upstairs window. Another apparent accident. But the clues don't add up and soon the Chief Constable has called in Inspector Mattock of the Yard to unravel the case.

Now...perhaps I should step back a moment and post a disclaimer before going with my review. With life as it is in the Hankins household, I am a bit sleep-deprived and it's possible I'm a little grumpier than usual about these things. So, please take my review with a grain of salt. But--please also let me say that the intro by Curtis Evans is wonderful and gives lots of interesting information about Clandon (aka Vernon Loder) and background information on this debut mystery for the Clandon name.

First, I want to get a couple of minor things off  my chest. This isn't a long book--editions range from 193 to 209 pages yet it took me six days to read what would normally take one-two days. And it seemed much longer than that. I felt like I'd been reading it for about a month. Second, can anyone tell me what the yarn ball, knitting needles, and the hands making a rabbit shadow image have to do with anything, let alone the story inside??? It would make some sort of sense if we had a Miss Marple or Miss Silver character knitting away in the corner and playing detective. But nope. So, I have no clue. But befuddlement seems to be a running theme...

Color me baffled. I am at a loss to understand Dorothy L. Sayers' enthusiasm for this mystery. Sayers, who writes elegantly and with great care, doesn't seem to notice great swathes of dialogue that seem to make no sense. Sayers' Lord Peter piffles, it's true--but always with a point. And I never get lost in his speeches. Even when Sayers throws in Latin or French that I may not understand. The groundwork is so well-laid that I don't have to know the Latin or French to figure out what's going on. There are places in this novel where Dr. Soames (our narrator--more about him in a moment) has conversations with his fellow house guests that make little to no sense. I felt very much as I did when my husband had his most recent "brain event" last October. It's like two separate conversations are happening at once.

And..having mentioned Dr. Soames--for about half the novel he's about as swift as a dammed up river. He doesn't give us the best commentary on his fellow guests.  He doesn't really question any of the medical details until facts are waved under his nose repeatedly. He thinks everything said is just "gossip" and mean-spirited gossip at that. When he finally wakes up to the fact that murder has been done, he then starts roaming among the suspects letting out little bits of information that maybe the police didn't want communicated. "Oopsie." [Not a direct quote. But my interpretation of his realization.] He waffles terribly between thinking each of the men have done the dirty deeds and that they haven't--and, of course, none of the women did. Two of the women, he only thinks about in relation to the men they're attached awful for the little ladies if their betrothed is found to be a murderer. 

Now, Inspector Mattock and Tobey, the Chief Constable, have more on the ball. Quite frankly, I think I would have enjoyed the mystery a lot more if we had followed Mattock about instead of Soames. Soames is meant to be our inside view into the country house party, but he just annoyed me for about half to two-thirds of the book. But--if we take out Soames and just follow the plot, it is fairly good. There is a nice bit of misdirection with a few of the clues and while the motive did strike me as a bit obvious (once I threw out the biggest red herring) the follow-up by Mattock on the trail was quite good.

My final quibble--and this is a bit of a SPOILER, even though I don't name the villain--

I don't like it (especially in older mysteries) when the culprit gets off completely. If the police manage to lock them up and send them forth for trial, then, by golly, I want the jury to do their duty and find the villain of the piece guilty. Yes, juries in real life can be iffy propositions and may let an obviously guilty person off for silly reasons. But don't do that in books, please. I'd like some justice in the world somewhere. And...the final quote (below) is an observation by the good doctor. Given how wrong he is about a great many things throughout the book, I wouldn't bet on our villain not trying their hand on more if the situation arose. ★★

First: During the last ten years of his life, I was medical adviser to Mr. Hoe-Luss.

It is amazing how suspicious people can become when their financial interests are threatened. (p. 17)

Last: But I am quite sure that [their*] two successful murders will not have inclined [them*] to try the charm of the third.  [*pronouns changed to prevent spoilers.]

Deaths = two fell from height

Monday, February 17, 2025

Thief Is an Ugly Word

 Thief Is an Ugly Word (1944) by Paul Gallico

Augustus Swinney, American refrigeration specialist (and ham connoisseur), is a bit mystified as to why he's been invited to a diplomatic, neutral gathering of Nazi, American, British, French, and Swiss representatives at the home of an Argentine millionaire to view the millionaire's latest art acquisition. Sure, he's a fairly high-flying businessman, but he's no art critic. And when he recognizes the painting on display as belonging to a Dutch gentleman of his acquaintance--a gentleman who at best has been displaced by the Nazi occupation of Europe and at worst.... Swinney knows good and well that the piece has been stolen from its rightful owner and, throwing caution to the wind, he says so to the company present and walks out the door with the painting. The Nazis, who are expecting financial assistance for their "glorious cause" in exchange for the painting, aren't too concerned. They are quite certain that Swinney won't make it out of Buenos Aires with painting. But Swinney comes up with a most ingenious method of sending the art piece to America...right under their noses. And even a beautiful Nazi sympathizer can't talk him out of his plan to return the painting to Mr. Jan van Schouven--if he can.

I enjoyed this short little mystery which apparently was originally written as part of WWII propaganda to get the word out about the Nazi war machine trying to fund itself through stolen artwork (see a mention of the story at H.V. Morton). Augustus Swinney is an appealing character and it's too bad that Gallico didn't write more stories about him. It's always nice to see Nazis outwitted and Swinney does it in such an interesting way. There's not a lot of mystery here. The single question is how Swinney plans to get the artwork out of Argentina. But it's handled so well that you don't really notice that there's nothing else to figure out. My only quibble with the story at all is below in my comment about the final sentence. Honestly, Mr. Swinney, I don't care how beautiful she is on the outside. ★★★★

First line: If one were to take a pencil, and upon a stereographic projection of a world map execute a series of straight lines connecting New York, Munich, and Buenos Aires, one would find oneself looking at a large isosceles triangle, the points of which are at a distance from one another that they might seem to preclude the coincidence of a certain day in early January 1944.

Last line: He reflected that only a fool bore a grudge against a beautiful woman. [Bev's take--if the beautiful woman is working with the Nazis, then a man would be a fool not to bear a grudge. Because the beauty is obviously only skin deep and she's rotten at the core.]

Murder Every Monday: Deal Me In!


Kate at Cross Examining Crime hosts a fun mystery cover game on Instagram called Murder Every Monday. Our assignment, should we choose to accept it, is to display book covers and titles from books you own that meet prompts which she posts well in advance (see link). 

Today's theme is Covers with Cards on them.

The Green Ace ~Stuart Palmer [The first Palmer I ever read--courtesy of Brad & Valentine's Day, I now own this Green Door Mystery edition.]
Death Plays Solitaire ~R. L. Goldman
Full House ~Rex Stout

The Right Jack ~Margaret Maron
The Red Widow Murders ~Carter Dickson
Luck Be a Lady, Don't Die ~Robert J. Randisi

Cards on the Table ~Agatha Christie
13 at Dinner [Lord Edgware Dies] ~Agatha Christie

The Case of the Crumpled Knave ~Anthony Boucher
Death in the Cards ~ Ann T. Smith
Cards on the Table ~Agatha Christie 

Ambrose Bierce & the Death of Kings ~Oakley Hall
Death Cuts the Deck ~Robert L. Fish

Service for Two ~Kate Kingsbury
Man Missing ~Mignon G. Eberhart
The Man Who Held Five Aces ~Jean Leslie

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Murder in Williamstown

 Murder in Williamstown
(2022) by Kerry Greenwood

Phryne Fisher and her household are back in action. There are strange goings-on in Williamstown and Phryne is drawn in when she makes a short trip to the city. While strolling through the local park she discovers a discarded opium pipe. So far Australia has been spared the evils of opium smuggling, but perhaps that's changing. Especially since a police raid (searching for smuggled items) targets her long-time paramour Lin Chung. Since Lin is an honest man, there's nothing to find and the over-eager sergeant who led the raid receives a dressing down. Then when Phryne and her latest young man, Jeoffrey Bisset, are taking a walk along the beach they discover the body of a Chinese man who has been stabbed to death. Are all of these incidents connected? And if so, how? And why are her friendly policemen Jack Robinson and Hugh Collins, as well as Lin Chung warning her off?

Her interest in events is increased when she and Jeoffrey attend a party hosted by Hong, a white man born Thomas Browning who has a great affinity for all things Chinese. There's a definite tension in the air of the party. The girls of the dancing troupe brought in for entertainment most definitely don't want to be there. And then a figure dressed all in black rushes towards Hong, stabs him in full view of the party guests, and rushes out into the night. When Phryne tries to follow, a group of five men bearing weapons block her path and suggest (in Chinese) that she go back and "say nothing."

Meanwhile...Phryne's adopted daughters have, as part of their school assignments, been spending time at the Blind Institute. Ruth, with her love of cooking, is assigned to help out in the kitchen, but Jane, a math whiz, not only assists in the math lessons but is asked by Miss Thomas to give a hand in the business office. Miss Thomas believes that something is very wrong with the accounting, but isn't sure if Mr. Blake (the bookkeeper) is to blame or is being hoodwinked. She'd like Jane to see if she can get to the bottom of it without attracting the attention that a full audit would bring.

And...someone has taken exception to Phryne's lifestyle. She begins receiving anonymous notes mad up of words cut from newspapers labeling her the "Whore of Babylon" and indicating the fate of sinners such of herself. She's not too concerned until one evening she chases off a man who climbs up to her window. So she decides that some investigation is in order. She assigns Tinker the task of finding out as much as he can about the notes and their author.

It was great fun to step back into Phryne's world. I always enjoy visiting with the grown-up's Nancy Drew (as I think of her). I really like watching her adopted children (Ruth, Jane, & Tinker) take on the investigations in the side stories. They are turning into quite the sleuthing team and I can't wait to see where Greenwood takes them next. One small complaint, however--why are all the men (Jack, Hugh, & Lin) all freezing Phryne out? You'd think this was the first time they'd encountered her in a mystery and they didn't know how good she is at detecting. But they've all known her for quite a few years. I understand that the official investigation needs to be kept under wraps, but Jack and Hugh both know that Phryne can be trusted. They could at least be a little warmer in their "Sorry, Miss Fisher, but we just can't tell you anything this time" responses. The tone just seems really off for people who know each other well.

The mysteries are fairly straightforward--not much in the way of suspects and red herrings, so the reader should spot the villains in each case fairly easily. If I weren't so enthusiastic about the cast of characters and Greenwood's writing, I'd probably give this a flat three stars or possibly less if I were rating the mystery factor alone. ★★ and 1/2

First line (Prologue): Little Bourke Street was silent.
First line (1st Chapter): The Honourable Phryne Fisher sat at her Bechstein grand piano, a frown marring her Dutch-doll features.

I know. Everyone thinks we scholars hatch out of magic toadstools. But I've had a satisfyingly chequered life. (Jeoffrey Bisset, p. 194)

Last line: Life could indeed be a lot worse than this.

Deaths = two stabbed

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Last Resort

 The Last Resort
(2023) by Michael Kaufman

Set in the near future (2034), Washington D.C. police detective Jen Lu and her sentient bio-computer implant Chandler are back in action in their second case. Months after the last case when Lu's partner Les (if he's given a last name, I managed to miss it) is nearly killed saving her life, she's down one human partner. Les is physically fit, but has retreated into himself and doesn't speak and only does things when told or reminded to do so. So, when Patty Garcia, a powerful lawyer on the side of the angels in the climate crisis battle, dies in what is officially filed as a freak golf accident on the eve of "an important announcement," Lu smells a rat and decides to defy her Captain's orders to leave things alone. 

She and Chandler start digging and discover that Garcia was on the hunt for the "smoking gun" in the oil industry--explicit proof that companies have known about the damage they've been doing to the planet since the 1960s. The lawyer had recently won a big case in the efforts to make oil companies pay reparations for the damage done. Proof of an earlier date would mean a bigger settlement--but the Supreme Court has put a time limit on the presentation of evidence and time was running out. Garcia's assistant claims that the lawyer had finally found evidence that the proof existed, but just hadn't gotten her hands on it yet. Did someone connected to big oil make sure she'd never find it? Or perhaps her ex-husband, who suffered professionally and financially in their break-up (he was connected to big oil as well), wanted to make sure he wouldn't suffer even more when she found the proof. With the added bonus of getting rid of the woman who had humiliated and ruined him once. [He's that kind of macho misogynist. Even has a podcast spouting ant-woman nonsense.]

But the more she and Chandler discover the more people die...of accidents. Chandler finds a way to reactivate Les's bio-computer and soon Les is back in the hunt as well. His patience for digging in old Senate reports comes in handy. And it isn't long before she, Les, and Chandler are close to finding what Garcia was after. But someone has killed to keep that proof out of the hands of climate activists and they don't mind adding a few more victims to their list.

So...let's start with my issues with the story. First, purely personal, it hits too close. Climate change is happening and here in American we just decided to put the lunatics in charge of the asylum and see if we can't make it happen even faster (not to mention all the other idiotic/awful/terrifying things that will be coming down the pike...but I'll get off my soapbox.). Second, I'm not keen on police procedurals where the protagonist is basically going rogue to solve what is obviously a crime and her Captain should be glad she wants to investigate. People are dying and Cap keeps telling her to mind her business and pretend it's not happening. (Sure, Chandler tells us it's really that he's encouraging her to break rules "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" while he plays it "by the book." But whatever.) This story would have been ten times better if we'd just had Lu officially on the case from the start and it had been handled like a standard investigation.

On the plus side, I really liked the new (to me, anyway) set-up with Lu having a sentient computer link in her brain. The narration toggles between Chandler and third-person...and of the two, I prefer it when Chandler tells the story. I got a kick out his observations and his efforts to sound like a tough-guy cop. And I enjoyed his conversations with his human partner. In fiction, this set-up works. In real life, I'm not sure how I feel about the implants. Character development overall is pretty good. I would have enjoyed more interactions between Lu and Les and if the series continues (and I read more if it does) I'd be interested to see how the four of them (Lu, Les, Chandler, and P.D.--Les's implant) work together on a complete case. Generally, a solid mystery--a bit violent (one of the deaths in particular seemed a little unnecessary for the story...), but enjoyable and entertaining. ★★

First line: "I never killed anyone before."

Last line: The report with its pale-blue cover and a faded red ribbon binding the whole thing together.

Deaths = 5 (two hit on head; two shot; one fire)

Monday, February 10, 2025

Capital Crimes: London Mysteries

 Capital Crimes: London Mysteries (2015) by Martin Edwards (ed)

Martin Edwards and the British Library Crime Classics team take on the Big Smoke in this collection of mysteries set in England's capital city. We have stories set in the late Victorian period through the 1940s and a range of authors from the well-known Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to those less well-known for mysteries such as E. M. Delafield (whom I had never heard of) and Hugh Walpole (whom I don't associate with mysteries). I have to say that this is one of the strongest collections of short stories I've read yet. The weakest--and this is purely in their attraction for me--are Doyle's non-Holmesian story which is just plain cruel, the Walpole story (I just wanted to shake some sense into the heroine), and the Delafield (where no real crime happens on the page even though it's heavily implied). But overall a very strong selection. ★★★★

"The Case of Lady Sannox" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: A non-Holmesian tale of diabolical revenge exacted by a cuckolded husband upon his beautiful wife and her lover.

"A Mystery of the Underground" by John Oxenham: A serial killer takes aim at lone travelers riding the underground each Tuesday night. Our intrepid newspaper reporter and a Scotland Yard man join forces to run him to ground. (five shot; one fell from height)

"The Finchley Puzzle" by Richard Marsh: A woman who works at a deaf school and who is proficient in lip-reading finds herself the target of a murderous plot. The villain believes that she has "overheard" a conversation he had with a confederate and her knowledge of it isn't healthy for anyone. (three snake bite)

"The Magic Casket" by R. Austin Freeman: The discovery of an abandoned handbag leads Dr. Thorndyke into a mystery of stolen jewels, a mysterious casket, and a murderous Japanese thief, (one stabbed; one natural; one shot)

"The Holloway Flat Tragedy" by Ernest Bramah: Mr. Poleash comes to Carlyle with a story of a jealous lover of a shop girl he (Poleash) has flirted with and spurned when she pressed him for marriage. (He's married.) He's sure the man is out to get him. When Poleash is found dead, Carrados suspects a much deeper plot. [one beaten to death; one shot]

"The Magician of Cannon Street" by J. S. Fletcher: Paul Campenhaye meets up with his old friend Tregarthen in an attempt to capture a killer who got away from them once. [one shot; one poisoned]

"The Stealer of Marble" by Edgar Wallace: The mystery of a woman caught stealing a suitcase full of marble. Who knew that marble could be used like that? [one poisoned

"The Tea Leaf" by Robert Eustace & Edgar Jepson: In which the daughter of a disagreeable man proves her ex-fiancé innocent of her father's murder--through the evidence of a tea-leaf and the help of a dream. [one stabbed]

"The Hands of Mr. Ottermole" by Thomas Burke: Burke manages to tell a fine tale of a serial killer who gets away with murder in a story of just 17 pages or so. In shortened form, you would expect to find less tension and less room for the true horror of multiple killings. After all, the author can't build things up and taunt the reader with victim after victim. And he can't spend a lot of time letting you become attached to the victims as they're casually strangled one by one. [four strangled--plus four more not named]

"The Little House" by H. C. Bailey:  Reggie Fortune decides to look into the case of the lost Persian kitten--a "crime" too small to interest the police--and discovers a dreadful world of dope and revenge. [one died of exposure]

"The Silver Mask" by Hugh Walpole: An older woman falls prey to a young confidence man. Sometimes it is a kind heart that kills.

"Wind in the East" by Henry Wade: Burglary and murder go hand-in-hand in this Inspector Poole short story.  [one hit on head]

"The Avenging Chance" by Anthony Berkeley: A box of poisoned chocolates--sent to one man and brought home by another--kills Joan Beresford. Who was the intended victim? [one poisoned]

"They Don't Wear Labels" by E. M. Delafield: Sometimes appearances can be deceiving, but the landlady doesn't know that. Not really a crime story--that is no crime is detected. The reader knows what's going on though.

"The Unseen Door" by Margery Allingham: A very short locked room mystery in a gentleman's club. How could a man be killed in the billiard room when the the doorman swore there had been only one visitor--a man he knew well and who hadn't the strength for the crime? [one strangled]

"Cheese" by Ethel Lina White: A young woman fresh up from the country is set as bait to catch a nasty killer. If she survives, she'll earn a 500 pound reward....[one strangled]

"You Can't Hang Twice" by Anthony Gilbert: An unassuming man can offer testimony to help Arthur Crook's client escape the hagman. If he can stay alive long enough... [one strangled; one hit on head]

First line (1st story): The relations between Douglas Stone and the notorious Lady Sannox were very well known both among the fashionable circles of which she was a brilliant member, and the scientific bodies which numbered him amon their most illustrious confrères.

Last line (last story): And they tell you animals are a lower order of creation!

Murder Every Monday: Double Trouble


Kate at Cross Examining Crime hosts a fun mystery cover game on Instagram called Murder Every Monday. Our assignment, should we choose to accept it, is to display book covers and titles from books you own that meet prompts which she posts well in advance (see link). 

Today's theme is Titles with Two Words. 

Stately Homicide ~S. T. Haymon (which is totally giving off a 1980s horror novel vibe)
Golden Rain ~Douglas Clark
Bloody Instructions ~Sara Woods

Parting Breath ~Catherine Aird
Invisible Green ~John Sladek
Thirteen Guests ~J. Jefferson Farjeon

Unholy Dying ~R. T. Campbell
Blood Brotherhood ~Robert Barnard
Servant's Problem ~Veronica Parker Johns

Blind Corner ~Dornford Yates
Family Affair ~Ione Sandberg Shriber
Smooth Justice ~Michael Underwood

Devious Murder ~George Bellairs
Murderer's Choice ~Anna Mary Wells
Gownsman's Gallows ~Katharine Farrer

Colour Scheme ~Ngaio Marsh
Haunted Lady ~Mary Roberts Rinehart
Cold Steal ~Alice Tilton

Toby's Folly ~Margot Arnold
Poisoned Ivy ~M. D. Lake
Black Orchids ~Rex Stout

Drawn Conclusion ~Willetta Ann Barber & R. F. Schabelitz
Sad Cypress ~Agatha Christie
Aaron's Serpent ~Emily Thorne

Death Swap ~Marian Babson
Mister Splitfoot ~Helen McCloy
Black Widower ~Patricia Moyes

Quick Curtain ~Alan Melville
Midsummer Nightmare ~Christopher Hale
Which Doctor ~Edward Candy

Dewey Death ~Charity Blackstock
Pilgrim's Rest ~Patricia Wentworth
Night Walk ~Elizabeth Daly

Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Girl from the Mimosa Club

 The Girl from the Mimosa Club (1957) ~Leslie Ford (Zenith Jones Brown)

When the newly-minted young lawyer Johnny Brayton is sent to represent the girls from the Mimosa Club, he doesn't expect to fall in love with one of them.. But life is funny that way. His uppercrust family doesn't really approve of his relationship with Kerry O'Keefe, a "sitter" (hostess expected to sit with and entertain gentlemen at the club), but he doesn't care. Then his father is found shot to death in his study. His mother is suspect number one. And Kerry is a star witness for the prosecution.

Unknown to Johnny, Kerry is an undercover policewoman working as a sitter to investigate vice. All he knows is she seems determined to send his mother to the electric chair. Of course, it doesn't help that his mother seems equally determined to wind up there. She does nothing to make a black situation any less bleak. Her reactions in court only make her look more guilty. Johnny knows his mother could never have shot anyone, but how can he prove it was anyone else when Kerry testifies to sitting outside the house and seeing no one else go in? And then an unexpected witness pops up...just in time.

I've finally decided that I'm just not a big fan of Ford's standalone thriller/suspense mysteries. This is a perfectly fine example of one of those and I have no real complaints about the mystery itself. I just found the romance a bit forced as well as the difficulties thrown in their way. And why on earth Johnny's mother had to behave in such a guilty manner is beyond me. If she didn't want to say anything to implicate someone else, fine. If she wanted to play society madam and "this is all beneath me," fine. But to start and stare like a guilty thing? Really? Too much melodrama to no good purpose. I much prefer her Grace Latham and Colonel Primrose mysteries. They are fun and filled with witty comments between the two protagonists. But--if you like suspense and mysteries where an obviously innocent person is in danger of conviction with last-minute revelations that save the day, then this just might be the book for you. ★★

First line: Johnny Brayton squeezed his car in to the curb between a snowball stand and a beat-up cart of canteloupes (sic), sweet corn and lima beans, turned off his engine and put the keys in his pocket.

Last lines: They started over. But not from scratch.

Deaths = one shot

The Book of Killowen (spoilerish)

 The Book of Killowen (2013) by Erin Hart

The fourth book in the Nora Gavin series finds Nora and Cormac Maguire back in Ireland after Nora returned to the United States to try and finally bring her sister's murderer to justice. This time they are drawn into forensic case that combines the discovery of an ancient "bog man" with a modern-day murder. 

An excavator digging in the peat bog near Tipperary, discovers a sunken car. When the peaty turf is removed from the boot (trunk), it reveals the remains of a ninth century (or thereabouts) man. Nora, Cormac, and Niall Dawson, all experts in archaeology and pathology, are called in by Detective Stella Cusack and the local authorities to examine the remains. But the real question is how did a ninth century man wind up in the boot of a modern day vehicle? 

As Nora begins her examination of the body in situ, she realizes that there are one too many feet. There's another body underneath the bog man--and it winds up being Benedict Kavanaugh, a well-known philosopher and TV personality who has been missing for a few months. Why are the two bodies together? What was Kavanaugh doing in the area? And why didn't anyone see him and/or come forward when appeals were made at the time of his disappearance? All trails seem to lead to Killowen, a local artist's colony. Kavanaugh's wife and her "assistant" often stayed there. All of the inhabitants seem to be a bit skittish on the subject of Kavanaugh. And...once upon a time the philosopher that Kavanaugh was most interested in stayed at a local monastery. Nora, Cormac, and Stella Cusack find themselves in the middle of a mystery with ties to blackmail, treasure trove, secret identities, and ancient heresy. The past and present mingle and it's sometimes difficult to discern how much the past has influenced the murder of Kavanaugh. And why does the killer seem to be able to anticipate their every move?

---Spoiler ahead!!!---

I thoroughly enjoyed Hart's Haunted Ground, the debut novel in this series. I found her combination historical/modern mystery very intriguing and well done. The second novel, Lake of Sorrows, wasn't quite as captivating and I never could bring myself to read False Mermaid (which tells the story of of bringing Nora's sister's killer to justice). The blurb on that one indicates that once again the more recent murder had ties to a more historical one in Ireland and I just couldn't see how that would work. I was glad to see that Nora and Cormac were back at work in Ireland for this one. The tie-up between the ancient philosopher's murder and Kavanaugh's made sense and, for the most part, the mystery works well. The characterization is strong and vibrant--even more so than the debut novel. And it was interesting to meet the various inhabitants of the artist's colony. But.... (here's where the spoilery bit comes in)

I was disappointed that there was more than one killer involved. Generally speaking, I like there to be plenty of motives to go around so the reader has to sift the evidence and figure out which one is the one that pushed someone to kill. Nearly everyone at the colony has a skeleton in their closet which gives us a nice set of suspects to think about. But it makes things a bit too murky when there are several murderers to go along with the several motives. If it weren't for that little quibble, I'd give this a full four-star rating for sure. ★★ and 3/4

First line (Prologue): The oak wood was still.

First line (1st Chapter): Kevin grasped the twin joysticks and thrust the right one forward, feeling the fierce hydraulic power in the arm of his backhoe.

Stella was fond of books. She liked holding them, savoring their inky, wood-pulp smell. She especially loved wasting a whole weekend whenever she could manage it, holed up with a glass of wine and a juicy potboiler. (p. 164)

Blackmail, if that was Claffey's game, was like playing with a serpent: in order to profit, you had to get close enough to risk a deadly bite. (p. 170)

Last line: She leaned forward and laid her head on his shoulder, and he could feel her heart beating, through solid flesh, in quiet double rhythm with his own.

Deaths: 6 (one stabbed; one smothered; one hit on head; one fell from height; one poisoned; one suicide)

Monday, February 3, 2025

Murder Every Monday: Clothe Me in Murder


Kate at Cross Examining Crime hosts a fun mystery cover game on Instagram called Murder Every Monday. Our assignment, should we choose to accept it, is to display book covers and titles from books you own that meet prompts which she posts well in advance (see link). 

Today's theme is crime fiction with a type of fabric in the title.

The Detective Wore Silk Drawers ~Peter Lovesey
The Grey Flannel Shroud ~Henry Slesar
The House of Silk ~Anthony Horowitz

The Case of the Velvet Claws ~Erle Stanley Gardner
The Velvet Fleece ~Lois Eby & John C. Fleming (two for the price of one!)
The Clue of the Velvet Mask ~Carolyn Keene

The Mystery of the Velvet Gown ~Kathryn Kenny
The Secret in the Old Lace ~Carolyn Keene
Dying in the Wool ~Frances Brody

Bury Me in Gold Lamé ~Stanton Forbes
Died in the Wool ~Ngaio Marsh
The Silk Stocking Murders ~Anthony Berkeley

Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Snow Queen

 The Snow Queen (1980) by Joan D. Vinge

On the planet Tiamet, a far-flung outpost planet of the Hegemony (a league of eight worlds, things are about to change. For eons, the Winter folk have held sway for 150 years while the Black Gate was open and trade could be commenced between Tiamet and the other worlds of the league. The Winters prospered, taken advantage of technology and the means to make their lives comfortable. The richest also take advantage of the "water of life," an agent harvested from the mers who swim the ocean, an agent that provides long-life to those who can afford it. Meanwhile, the Summers lived a simpler life--fishing and working the land. But after 150 years, the Gate closes and Tiamet is cut off from the other worlds. Offworlders leave and many of the Winters with them. They take all technology with them and leave the world in darkness. And the Queen of Winter, who has reigned (benefit of the "water of life") the entire 150 years gives place to the Summer Queen who rules according to Tiamet legend and Summer practices.

But this time, Arienrhod, the Winter Queen, has plotted to circumvent the descent into technological ignorance. She wants to live on--through a carefully chosen clone, outwit the Hegemony's officials, and keep technology. Does she want to do this to benefit the people of Tiamet? Not really--she just can't stand the thought of the Summers taking over again. And if she can't be the one to rule as Summer Queen, at least her clone can be groomed to take her place. That's almost the same thing...

Or is it? Of the nine clones implanted during the last cycle's festivities (masked revellers drinking and paring up in the grand finale), only Moon Dawntreader Summer is suitable. Moon doesn't know she's the Queen's clone. She doesn't know that the Queen has plans for her. She only knows that she wants to be a sibyl--one of Summer people's wise women (and men) who see visions and answer questions. But when she begins her journey, she learns that there is more behind the sibyls than a connection to the Lady (the Summers' goddess of the sea). Her knowledge brings her to the realization that she should be the Summer Queen....but not the Summer Queen that Areinrhod has planned. There is battle coming--not of weaponry--but a battle nonetheless for the future of Tiamet. Oh...and there's the battle for Moon's pledged love, Sparks, who was convinced to turn to the Queen when he thought he'd lost Moon forever.

I fell in love with this book when I discovered it back in the '80s. I had worked my way from Star Trek novelizations to Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov and other male science fiction authors and was finally finding the women of science fiction. Vinge is one of the early feminist SF writers and she writes a powerful story. The world-building is terrific and my teenage self connected with the young Moon and Sparks as they tried to find their place in the world. I was rooting for them to find each other again and live the life together they had dreamed. Reading it today, I appreciate the nuances of the story which reflected the tensions in late 1970s/early 1980s society...tensions that haven't gone away as we hoped they might. There are still the haves and the havenots. People are still judged by where they come from or who their parents were. The rich still get richer and everyone else has to make do...or live without. I still like the hope that's given at the end. A hope that if everyone works together we can make the future better...for everyone. Currently, it's not looking likely--at least not in the near future. But maybe one day.

The other thing that really draws me in is Vinge's characters. She gives each one, even those who are peripheral characters, a depth and reality that make the reader feel like they know them. Some, like Arienrhod and the first Starbuck, we may wish we didn't know--but Moon and Sparks and all those they meet along the way we are glad to have met. Most of them we'd want on our side if we were going to take on an oppressive government and those who wanted to keep us down.  

I gave this ★★★★ when I first read it and I see no reason to change that now.

First line (Prologue): The door swung shut silently behind them, cutting off the light, music, and wild celebration of the ballroom.

First line (1st Chapter): Here on Tiamet, where there is more water than land, the sharp edge between ocean and sky is blurred; the two merge into one.

There are two tragedies in life. One is never getting your heart's desire. The other is getting it.

Most people simply aren't unhappy enough with the known to trade it for the unknown.

Maybe everything we do is meaningless. But we have to try, don't we? We have to go on looking for justice...and settling for revenge.

"I love you," he whispered again, wonderingly, as he understood at last how a lifetime together with someone that you loved could seem like an eternity, and yet not be long enough.

Indifference, Gundhalinu, is the strongest force in the universe. It makes everything it touches meaningless. Love and hate don't stand a chance against it. It lets neglect and decay and monstrous injustice goe unchecked. It doesn't act, it allows. And that's what gives it so much power.: (Commander Geia Jerusha PalaThion; p. 462)

Last line: He smiled, and then he began to laugh; and together they started back through the abandoned halls--returning to Carbuncle, going home.