Murder on the Orient Express: The Graphic Novel story by Agatha Christie (1934)
~adaptation by Bob Al-Greene (2023)
If you would like an in-depth look at Agatha Christie's mystery novel, then please see my previous reviews: HERE and HERE.
This review is devoted to the graphic novel. I'm not generally the target audience for a graphic novel, but when I find one devoted to the mystery field I definitely cannot resist. So, when I discovered that this was out in the world, I immediately put it on my Christmas list for 2023 and one of my personal Santas delivered.
Al-Greene gives us a beautiful book. The artwork is stunning and, for the most part, I appreciated his rendering of the story. I'm not sure that he got Poirot's mustache quite right and I think that he was influenced by Kenneth Branagh's choice for the character. I also thought there was a bit of influence from the interpretation of the final scenes of Branagh's movie--though we have a reversal with Poirot seated at the table and all the suspects standing before him. And we have a slightly more diverse cast (again, as with the film) Just a couple of passing thoughts as I read. But, overall, I absolutely enjoyed Al-Greene's vision of the novel. Given the format, he couldn't give us all of the dialogue word-for-word, but he managed to capture the essence of Christie's work in fewer words without losing anything important. And, unlike screen versions, he also managed to work in all of the essential clues. The few cuts made are handled in such a way that those who have read the story before may notice them, but they certainly won't miss them. This would be an ideal way to introduce more modern readers to one of Christie's more iconic mysteries. ★★★★★
Kate at Cross Examining Crime has done a marvelous, in-depth review of the graphic novel and you couldn't do better than check it out.
First line: is Sunday.
Last lines: Then...having placed my solution before you...I have the honor of retiring from the case. Adieu.
Deaths = 4 (one shot; one fell from height; one stabbed; one in childbirth)
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