Kate at Cross Examining Crime hosts a fun mystery cover game on Instagram called Murder Every Monday. Our assignment, should we choose to accept it, is to display book covers and titles from books you own that meet prompts which she posts well in advance (see link).
Stately Homicide ~S. T. Haymon (which is totally giving off a 1980s horror novel vibe)
Golden Rain ~Douglas Clark
Bloody Instructions ~Sara Woods
Parting Breath ~Catherine Aird
Invisible Green ~John Sladek
Thirteen Guests ~J. Jefferson Farjeon
Unholy Dying ~R. T. Campbell
Blood Brotherhood ~Robert Barnard
Servant's Problem ~Veronica Parker Johns
Blind Corner ~Dornford Yates
Family Affair ~Ione Sandberg Shriber
Smooth Justice ~Michael Underwood

Devious Murder ~George Bellairs
Murderer's Choice ~Anna Mary Wells
Gownsman's Gallows ~Katharine Farrer
Colour Scheme ~Ngaio Marsh
Haunted Lady ~Mary Roberts Rinehart
Cold Steal ~Alice Tilton
Toby's Folly ~Margot Arnold
Poisoned Ivy ~M. D. Lake
Black Orchids ~Rex Stout
Drawn Conclusion ~Willetta Ann Barber & R. F. Schabelitz
Sad Cypress ~Agatha Christie
Aaron's Serpent ~Emily Thorne
Death Swap ~Marian Babson
Mister Splitfoot ~Helen McCloy
Black Widower ~Patricia Moyes
Quick Curtain ~Alan Melville
Midsummer Nightmare ~Christopher Hale
Which Doctor ~Edward Candy
Dewey Death ~Charity Blackstock
Pilgrim's Rest ~Patricia Wentworth
Night Walk ~Elizabeth Daly
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