
Monday, January 13, 2025

Murder Every Monday: Same Story, Different Cover


Kate at Cross Examining Crime hosts a fun mystery cover game on Instagram called Murder Every Monday. Our assignment, should we choose to accept it, is to display book covers and titles from books you own that meet prompts which she posts well in advance (see link). 

Today's theme is same book, but different editions. Of course, I could have done a whole post about my Lord Peter Wimsey books by Sayers. Or my Lockridge books. But I thought I'd mix it up a bit.

Whose Body? ~Dorothy L. Sayers (three of my many editions of this title)

And...three more.

Strong Poison ~Dorothy L. Sayers (I don't have as many editions of this one)

The Norths Meet Murder ~Frances & Richard Lockridge
  (aka Mr. & Mrs. North Meet Murder)

Curtain for a Jester ~Frances & Richard Lockridge

The Thin Man ~Dashiell Hammett

Call for Michael Shayne ~Brett Halliday

Murder With Southern Hospitality ~Leslie Ford

A Shilling for Candles ~Josephine Tey

And Then There Were None ~Agatha Christie

The Mountain Cat Murders ~Rex Stout

The Mystery of Hunting's End ~Mignon G. Eberhart

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