
Sunday, January 12, 2025

Card Deck Reading Challenge

I really need to stop (but if Jamie will keep posting new challenges on the Facebook challenge site, what's a girl to do?). Erin @erin_likes_books on Instagram has devised the Card Deck Reading Challenge and, having checked my massive TBR mountain range, it looks like I can cover this with books I already own. I go. One more challenge! Some tentative choices listed below.

Joker (wild card/any book): The Deadly Truth by Helen McCloy (1/15/25)
Ace (in title OR book about cards/tennis): The Green Ace by Stuart Palmer OR Death in the Cards by Ann T. Smith
Two (in title): A Thief or Two by Sara Woods
Three (in title): Look Three Ways at Murder by John Creasey
Four (in title): Look Four Ways at Murder by J. S. Fletcher
Five (in title): Bodies from the Library 5 by Tony Medawar, ed (3/2/25)
Six (in title): Six Nuns & a Shotgun by Colin Watson
Seven (in title): Seven Chose Murder by Roy Vickers
Eight (in title): The Eighth Circle by Stanley Ellin
Nine (in title): Nine Strings to Your Bow by Lee Thayer
Ten (in title): Bloody Ten by William F. Love
Jack (in title OR author's name): The Right Jack by Margaret Maron OR Jack O'Lantern by George Goodchild
Queen (in title): The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge (2/1/25)
King (in title): The King of Diamonds by Louis Tracy OR Jeeves & the King of Clubs by Ben Schott
Heart (in title): The Malignant Heart by Celestine Sibley
Diamond (gem in title): Deadly Is the Diamond by Mignon G. Eberhart (2/22/25)
Spade: ("dig," "bury," or "spade" in title): Dig Me a Grave by John Spain OR Dig Another Grave by Don Cameron
Club (in title): The Girl from the Mimosa Club by Leslie Ford (2/6/25)
Red (in title/dominant cover color): The Corpse with the Red-Headed Friend by R.A.J. Walling
Black (in title/dominant cover color): The Clue of the Black Keys by Carolyn Keene



  1. Thanks for the shout out! And I'm doing this one, too.

    1. As soon as I realized I was already doing the number titles for the Clock challenge, I figured I might as well. :-)

  2. This challenge is similar to the Clock Reading Challenge which I did last year. I found it difficult to find books with numbers in them. Hope you have fun with the challenge.


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