
Monday, January 13, 2025

2024 My Year in Books


Anne at Head Full of Books has revived the old meme, My Year in Books from 2017. Just use book titles from 2024 and try to fill in the blanks. Here are my answers:

1. In high school I was The Cat Who Saved Books  (Sosuke Natsukawa)
2. People might be surprised [when] Murder Rides the Campaign Train  (The Gordons--Mildred & Gordon Gordon)
3. I will never be [a] Wicked Uncle (Patricia Wentworth)
4. My fantasy job is Only in Books  (J. Kevin Graffagnino)
5. At the end of a long day I need [to be] Twice Retired (Richard Lockridge)
6.I hate it [when I have a] Nightmare at Noon  (Stewart Sterling)
7. Wish I had The Phoenix Crown  (Kate Quinn & Janie Chang)
8. My family reunions are [a] Gaudy Night  (Dorothy L. Sayers)
9. At a party you'd find me Making It So  (Patrick Stewart)
10. I've never been to Scarhaven Keep  (J. S. Fletcher)
11. A happy day includes Reading Up a Storm (Eva Gates)
12.Motto I live by Never Cross a Vampire  (Stuart Kaminsky)
13. On my bucket list is A Vacation to Kill For  (Eunice Mays Boyd)
14. In my next life, I want to have The Midnight Library  (Matt Haig)


  1. I love these kind of memes and have done 4 or 5 of them from other blogs. I will participate in this one too.

  2. I love it that your family reunions are a gawdy night. Ha! I loved to see that! Great answers.


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