
Monday, July 16, 2012

High Summer Read-a-Thon: Starting Line

Michelle from The True Book Addict is hosting her seasonal read-a-thons and the summer one began today and runs through July 22nd.  Her read-a-thons a great because no pressure, no challenges and read as much as you want to.  If you want the details:  She has set up a separate blog for her seasonal read-a-thons so visit and sign up here.

Hoping you join me!!
Bev's Reading List:
1. North & South by Elizabeth Gaskell: begun 7/16 (finisehd 7/18/12) [451 pages]
2. The Four Million & Other Stories by O. Henry: begun 7/18 (finished 7/21/12) [189 pages]
3.The Fifth Man by Manning Coles: begun 7/21/12 (finished 7/21/12) [190 pages


  1. Welcome once again, Bev! Glad to have you with me again. Oooh, North and's on my classics list. Good luck with your reading this week!

    The prize/giveaway page is up at the blog if you'd like to check it out.

  2. What a great idea you have here. I have to travel soon so I won't be reading much over the next few weeks...or maybe I will.


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