
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Meet Me On Monday (38)

Meet Me on Monday is a blogging meme hosted by Java at Never Growing Old. As she says: "Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself wondering, "who is this person?" I know them...but yet I don't know them! I want to know who the person behind all those words is so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!"

Every Sunday she will post five get to know you questions that we can copy and paste into our own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us. To play along click on her meme name and join up with the linky.

This Week's Questions (today has been very tiring, so I'm afraid I'm just going to answer the questions and not go hunting pictures...):

1. Do you have a fireplace in your home?
No, but I've always wanted one.
2. Can you drive a stick shift? No. My husband was supposed to teach me when we had our little Geo Metro. We got rid of the car before he ever got around to it.
3. How many computers are in your home? Three. One desktop and two laptops (mine & son's).
4. Are your taxes done yet? Do you do them yourself? Taxes done. I don't do them, but Hubby does. Bless him.
5. What is your favorite meal of the day? Breakfast. I love the comfort foods of breakfast. Now, understand, I might decide to have breakfast for dinner....


  1. Snap! Breakfast is my favourite meal too x

  2. Your taxes are done?!?! Kudos to you!

    This is the latest we have ever gone without doing them. I'm starting to get nervous, lol.

    I played, too! Hope you can visit! :D

    Rebecca @

  3. I love breakfast for dinner too :) yum!

  4. It's always so great to learn more about you! I'm not a morning meal person but breakfast for dinner is my absolute fav.

  5. Yum...breakfast dinners are great, aren't they? We had a pancake dinner for Shrove Tuesday recently--heavenly!

  6. Hahahah I like your answer number 5!
    I am your newest follower, I hope you could visit mine...

  7. Breakfast for dinner is the best!

  8. Breakfast for dinner sounds like a winner to me. I've actually had dinner for breakfast once in a while.

  9. Being English, I've only learned today what a stick shift is. We don't use that term in England, or I've never heard it used at any rate. I drive a manual car which I believe is classed as a stick shift, but I haven't driven an automatic!

    CJ xx

  10. Breakfast for dinner is something I do sometimes too. I'm never able to enojoy any food early in the morning, but the same things in the afternoon are great.


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