
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday Snapshot January 15

Saturday Snapshot is a meme hosted by Alyce at At Home with Books. All you have to do is "post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mr. Linky on [her] blog. Photos can be old or new, and be of anything as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give is up to you." All she asks is that you don't just post random photos that you find online.

This is a photo of one of my all-time favorite places--best used bookstore ever! Unfortunately, Mr. Mason has retired and Mason's Rare & Used Books is no more. But, oh the memories, of shopping at his book store. This photo was taken of the 2nd incarnation of Mason's here in Indiana. He had his beginnings in my hometown and I used to walk downtown every Friday with my allowance money expressly to hand it over to Mr. Mason in exchange for those wonderful objects, books. That little business arrangement held until the end of high school when he decided to move East and try his luck in Pennsylvania, because, as he said, "So many of the rare books didn't make it over the Appalachian Mountains." About ten years later or so, he returned to Indiana and set up this shop, near Indy. Even though I had to travel about an hour (instead of a 15 minute walk) to get there, I made many trips before he finally closed up shop for good. I have yet to find another used bookstore or bookseller as good.


  1. It's too bad to see these wonderful stores go out. I lived in Fishers and worked downtown Indy for 6 years. I never knew this place existed.

  2. I loved reading about your memories of this bookshop!

  3. @J.L. Jackson: It's a shame you didn't. He was in Lebanon. I didn't find out he'd come back until long after the fact. I hate to think about the years that I missed out on!

  4. Having a connection with your local bookseller must have been wonderful. Thank You for sharing your memories!

  5. I like to take pictures of libraries (my husband even snagged one of a library in Japan when the Army sent him there.) I think it would be cool to collect pictures of independent book stores, too. Nice photo.

  6. Ah, I am always sad when a store closes. This one reminds me of something we might see in a movie....

    Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  7. Ah, a wonderful used bookstore is hard to beat. So sad that it doesn't exit anymore!

  8. Hi, love your Saturday snapshot. I think every reader has his/her own connection not only to their books, but to the bookstore too. And your used bookstore looks cool, but it's a shame they had to close it down.

    I did a post on my local bookstore last week if you want to check it out.

    It's nice to know that you're a mystery lover, because I am too! Count me in as your follower =)

  9. It is sad to see stores like this close it doors, but the photo is great.

  10. How very cool ... a picture of a bookstore. It's sad that the used bookstores are closing. And it's only going to get worse with less used books around because more people are buying ebooks.

  11. Independant book shops have such character.
    Shame so many cannot compete with the chainshops.



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