
Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm Still Stylin'

It's true. It hasn't worn off yet. Thanks to Anne at My Head Is Full of Books, I've had my stylishness reinforced. That makes two people that think I've got stylish things going on here at My Reader's Block. Woo Hoo! Now, I've already done the drill the first time--so I'm going to stylishly rebel and not repeat the whole thing this time around. You can pop over to Anne's place to read the full criteria or just to say "Hi" cuz she's got a stylish blog too. But I will answer the questions again and I'll even add on the two extra that she's asking for.

7 Things About Me:

1. I am the proud mama of an Eagle Scout. I repeat this every chance I get. I can't help it.
2. I love snow. I hate other people driving in snow. Being an adult I have to put up with too much of the second part.
3. I absolutely believe the statement "There is no such thing as too many books."
4. I have a black thumb. People should only give me plants they hate so I can kill them for them. I wonder how much I could make as a plant contract killer?
5. I am really glad to be home for an extra day this weekend (Martin Luther King Day Monday) so I have extra reading time!
6. I have a life-long dream of visiting the British Isles. I've bookmarked a page that offers yearly mystery-lovers tours--now that would be perfect!
7. I wanted to be an Olympic figure skater when I was little. Unfortunately, I had two things against me....weak ankles and I cannot skate backwards for anything.

So many of the bloggers that I really want to give this award to have declared themselves "Award-Free"--so, having given out awards once, I'm just going to add one instead of the 15 asked for:

Freda's Voice Freda has an incredibly stylish blog and I love, love, love her Saturday meme Quote It! Stop by and see for yourself.

To see the others that have been nominated by me, go to my first stylish post, HERE.


  1. Congratulations on the award, you totally deserve it!

    Thank you a million times over Bev! I am not only flattered but completely floored to be honored by you.
    Thank you.

  2. Congratulations my friend!!! Truly deserved!!

  3. Congratulations! I recently started following & am enjoying my visits :) Best of luck on all your challenges.


Sorry folks, but I have been getting an incredible amount of spam. I have adjusted my settings and all messages will be moderated from now on. If that does not take care of the problem then I will have to go to the "Prove You're Not a Robot" thing--which I hate as much as you do.

If your name does not appear automatically, please tell me your name in the comment. Otherwise you will just show up as "Unknown." Thanks!