
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Top Ten (Tearful) Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly mem create at The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is the Top Ten Books That Made You Cry!

This one took me a little bit. I don't tend to read books that I expect will make me cry. I figure I have enough drama in real life, I don't want that kind of thing when I read for pleasure. But then I also know that I have read books over the years that have done it to me....Here's what I've come up with (some of these have been a lonnnng time ago):

1. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom
2. The Diary of Young Girl by Anne Frank
3. Kavik the Wolf Dog by Walt Morey
4. Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
5. The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
6. The Promise by Danielle Steele (one of the few Steele books I've ever read and the last couple chapters had me weeping like a baby)
7. The Snow Queen by Joan D Vinge (I don't remember why, I just know parts of it brought on tears)
8. The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery

That's it....I'm pretty sure there have been others that have started the waterworks, but I can't come up with any likely candidates.


  1. Tuesdays with Morrie was good buy very sad (and a little sappy). So was his next book, the Five People You Meet in Heaven. I remember it being sad but can't actually remember any of the 5 people. Hmm, I guess it wasn't as good as Tuesdays.

  2. Great list! I have Gone With the Wind on my TBR list and can't wait to read it! I imagine it will make me cry too...the movie did!

  3. Oh The Elegance of the Hedgehog I forgot about that one! Great list.

  4. I thought about "That Was Then, This is Now" or "The Outsiders", but both slipped my mind in the process of actually making the list. The Outsiders is a better candidate.

  5. Great list - it was hard for me too to find 10 titles.. :")

  6. The Elegance of the Hedgehog didn't make me cry but the ending did make me mad.....

  7. great list! i don't really like it when books make me cry though :( I'm more for happy upbeat reads to escape!!

  8. Tuesdays With Morrie is the only Albom book I haven't read, I really have to fix that! And I think I may've cried in Gone With The Wind about Scarlett & Rhett's daughter

  9. Oh dear. I seem to have posted a link to my Wordless Wednesday, and it IS a photo which could make you cry...but not my list of sad books.

    Here's my TT:


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