First and foremost, have fun. Don't stress. No one is being judged, graded, or penalized. Even if you finish only one book the entire challenge, if you enjoy it and it's an accomplishment for you, then that's awesome.
The challenge runs from January 1, 2025 - April 30, 2025. You submit your book list prior to beginning the challenge. Exchanges are accepted for the first round, but not in the bonus round (announced later). No books started before 12 a.m. on January 1 or finished after 11:59 p.m. on April 30 will count. (We live in different time zones--follow according to your own time zone.) Each book must be at least 200 pages long. Audio books are fine too. Read one book for each category. For full details see Erin's page on Facebook (link above). You will need to join the private group to view.
*5 points: Freebie (a book at least 200 pages): Dangerous Davies: The Last Detective by Leslie Thomas (285 pages) [1/11/25]
*10 points: Book you intended to read in 2024 but didn't get to it (or added to your TBR in 2024): Murder in Williamstown by Kerry Greenwood (288 pages) [2/15/25]
*10 points: Book with main character who is an artist (performer, writer, musician, dancer): The Art School Murders by Moray Dalton (214 pages) [1/20/25]
*15 points: Book with picture of sunset/sunrise on cover: Behold a Fair Woman by Francis Duncan (336 pages) [2/26/25]
*20 points (chosen by Ashley NL): Book recommended by book clubs of *Jenna Bush, Oprah Winfrey, or Reese Witherspoon: The Cloisters by Katy Hays (312 pages) [1/24/25)
*20 points (chosen by Dani D): Book whose title starts with "I": Inquest by Henrietta Clandon (207 pages) [2/21/25]
*25 points: Book with specific city/town name in title: Capital Crimes: London Mysteries by Martin Edwards, ed. (416 pages) [2/10/25)
*30 points: Book with a female villain: The Snow Queen by Joan D. Vinge (492 pages) [2/1/25]
*30 points: Book written by author with first name Erin or surname Gray: The Book of Killowen by Erin Hart (332 pages) [2/4/25)
*35 points (chosen by Joanna D): Book about climate change/climate fiction: The Last Resort by Michael Kaufman (266 pages) [2/13/25]
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