
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Where the Dead Lie

 Where the Dead Lie (2017) by C. S. Harris (Candice Proctor); read by Davina Porter  

Sebastian St. Cyr, Lord Devlin, is drawn into one of his darkest investigations yet. It begins with the interruption of a clandestine burial at an abandoned Clerkenwell shot factory. The body is that of Benji Thatcher, a fifteen-year-old boy from the streets. He was brutalized in terrible ways before he was killed. A constable with a conscience refuses to accept the quick inquest's decision of accidental death. He claims the body for a proper burial, but takes Benji to Paul Gibson for a proper autopsy. As soon as he sees the body, Paul sends a message to Devlin--knowing that if there is to be any justice for the young boy, then Devlin is the only one who will care enough to do something. But it isn't long before Devlin has more deaths to investigate...and growing suspicion that the man his niece is betrothed to is somehow involved.

The last time I read this, I noted how difficult it was for me to read it. Not because it's a bad book. But because I have an extraordinarily difficult time reading about the murder and horrific treatment of children. While the descriptions aren't overly graphic, they are enough to make it very hard to read or listen to. If I hadn't wanted to continue my journey back to the most recent book and also remind myself of certains points in the overarching story about Devlin and Hero and their families then I probably would have given this one a miss. I was pleased to see Devlin and his father, the Earl of Hendon, begin to patch up their differences at the end. I do wonder whether anything will come of certain suspicions I have about the Jarvis household, however. And I'm surprised that Hero and Devlin don't share my suspicions. ★★★★

First lines: The boy hated this part. Hated the eerie way the pale waxen faces of the dead seemed to glow in the faintest moonlight.

Last line: "Well. That should make for some interesting family gatherings," said Ashworth, a faint provocative smile on his handsome face as he moved to take his place beside his bride.


Deaths = 12 (four strangled; seven stabbed; one fell from height)

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