
Friday, April 9, 2021

Bev's Monstrous Mystery TBR Mountain


Hi, my name is Bev. I'm a book-aholic. I accumulate books at a much faster rate than I can read them. A little while ago on Facebook, I posted a list challenge made up of titles I have picked up on my bookish journey--from used bookshops and community book sales; from garage sales and online sources (more rarely). Also books that have shown up as Christmas and birthday gifts. This isn't all of them--some I couldn't easily find cover photos--but it's most of the mysteries/detective fiction/thrillers sitting on my to-be-read shelves [since the photo above the bookish line-up has been replaced with shelves]. If you've read any on this massive list you can congratulate yourself on having beaten Bev to the punch!

Since posting the list on Facebook, I've actually read five of the books! Go me! Let's see how many more I can move off the monstrous TBR stack.

You can play along HERE.


  1. Can I join your 12 Step program? I have TBR Boxes! Five of them added this year alone. Ugh and Huzzah! (conflicted responses are so telling of an addict). This post is so appropriate because I can also tell you that I've added a small pile of books recently purchased from ...drum roll... Book on the Square in Virden, IL! I *finally* got to visit the place after ten years of wanting to set foot inside.

    Good news -- I left almost all the paperbacks alone for you. They had an entire shelf full of R. Austin Freeman books, all hardcovers and a few with DJs. Where did they all come from? All those Dr Thornydke books waiting for some lucky soul. I took only Felo de Se? because it's so hard to find and one of the few Freeman books for sale I didn't already own. I'll probably write up a brief post on the books I bought there and at Prairie Archives in Springfied, which I thought had gone out of business a couple of years ago. Such a surprise to see them open and very happy they're still going strong.

    What lovely people are the Alexanders of Books on the Square. I talked all about you and your blog and how I first learned about the store from you. Mrs. Alexander said, "Oh I know who you're talking about! She comes here often." You're remembered and well loved. :^)

  2. I just went and checked off every book I've read. Remarkably I even remembered books from my high school days! My total is 146. Apparently that makes me #3 of the people who've taken the challenge so far. BUT! I can tell you that there are at least 200 more that I own and STILL have not read. Kept saying, "Have it, have it, have it..." but not read most of them. OY!

  3. The Alexanders are definitely two of my favorite people--and not just because they help me feed my book-addiction. I'm glad (but jealous) that you've made it to their wonderful bookshop--I haven't been able to make a trip since the fall before pandemic and I'm missing my twice-yearly book binges.

    I wish I could go into the list challenge and see which books you've read before me--it shows me numbers, but I can't look at your actual list.

  4. I know what you mean. I never really manage to come under 200 books on my TBRs. This year I have decided to at least try to read some of them. There always seems to come new books that steal your attention. I have joined four challenges this year aiming in reducing the numbers. So far I have read 18 books from my shelves,(out of a total of 31 books read this year) and am happy with that.
    Good luck with your efforts.


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