
Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Mystery of the Fiery Eye: Mini-Review

Alfred Hitchcock and The Three Investigators in
The Mystery of the Fiery Eye (1967)
by Robert Arthur

In this outing Alfred Hitchcock brings the mystery to Jupiter, Bob, and Pete. He introduces them to his young English friend, August August. Gus, as he prefers to be called, is looking for help solving a riddle left him as part of an inheritance from his Great-Uncle Horatio who recently died in California. Presumably, if the riddle can be solved, there is some sort of "treasure" to be found. Jupiter assumes it must be valuable, since Great-Uncle Horatio went to great trouble to code the directions to its whereabouts. In fact, along the way, they discover that the treasure is a valuable ruby called the Fiery Eye and that a set of busts from Horatio's estate may hold a clue.

As with most jewels in mysteries of this sort--there is a legend of danger surrounding the gem. The Investigators and Gus will also discover that an sinister Indian man and a gang of thugs are hot on the trail of the jewel as well. Will the boys outwit the thieves and see that Gus gets his rightful inheritance?

I love revisiting this series that I first found when I went with my then best friend and her family on a shopping trip to the big malls in Ft. Wayne. That's when Walden Books and B. Dalton were still a thing and I insisted on stopping in all the bookstores. Not too long ago I started reading the titles I had missed when I was young--the first was The Mystery of the Talking Skull which I got from the library. I was disappointed that the books had been rereleased without the Hitchcock connection. That was part of the charm for me--I've now started looking for vintage editions (like the one pictured above) where Hitchcock still provides the introductions and interacts with the boys.

These books are good solid stories for young readers. The mystery isn't terribly intricate, but it is interesting and exciting enough to keep one turning the pages. It's good fun and the clues are such that the young reader has a chance to solve the mystery before Jupe does. As an adult, I enjoy revisiting the friends of my childhood and tagging along on their adventures. ★★

[Finished on 11/24/18]

1 comment:

  1. I love the Three Investigators so much! This is one I'm sure I read long ago, but it's not in my collection now. I have a whole pile, lucky me. :) I'll have to find this one.


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