
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Mount TBR Checkpoint #3 Winner!

Well, I hauled out the Custom Random Number Generator and after feeding in all the entries, listening to it clank and whir, we have a winner! Our lucky climber is #3 Michelle @inkalicious! Congratulations, Michele!  I'll be contacting you with the prize list very soon.

Thanks again to all of you who checked in. I enjoyed reading your answers...and thanks also to all who are busy climbing with us!  It's hard to believe that the next checkpoint will be the wrap-up for the end of the year. Are you ready to make a final sprint to the finish?


Sorry folks, but I have been getting an incredible amount of spam. I have adjusted my settings and all messages will be moderated from now on. If that does not take care of the problem then I will have to go to the "Prove You're Not a Robot" thing--which I hate as much as you do.

If your name does not appear automatically, please tell me your name in the comment. Otherwise you will just show up as "Unknown." Thanks!