
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Three Thousand!

I just realized that the review I posted last night was a mile-stone. Three thousand posts in five and a half years. Wow. That's a lot of words. Who knew I had that much to say about books? (primarily) Okay, so looking back at my very first post (below) maybe I didn't have too much to say...and definitely not an in-depth review, but we certainly did find out my favorite reading material early.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Tentative Start

Starting out in the big wide world of blogging, I plan to make this primarily a reading journal. We'll see how that goes. At the moment, I'm reading a set of four books written by Phoebe Atwood Taylor under the name of Alice Tilton. Better known for her "Codfish Sherlock," Asey Mayo, these books feature Leonidas Witherall, a former instructor at Meredith Academy. Among other things, Witherall is known for his resemblance to Shakespeare and spends most of his time being referred to as "Bill."

I have to admit a certain weakness for academic mysteries--whether academic in location/setting, by detective, or by primary victim. And I tend to collect the most unlikely-looking specimens based only on the mention of a professor or university or school or academic what-have-you in the blurb on the back. This always ensures a surprise--although the amount of pleasure involved seems to vary.

I have finished the first book (pictured here) and have started the second. So far, these are very fun books, definitely fitting into the madcap mystery genre. Ms. Taylor reveals in letters quoted in notes at the back of the first book, that she felt that it would be highly suitable for the silver screen. I can certainly imagine the first book having been filmed in the tradition of the Thin Man series starring William Powell and Myrna Loy. It remains to be seen whether the charm will fade if the formula is repeated in every book (central character going from one impossible situation to the next and getting out of all of them through the most incredible combination of coincidence and good luck). But for the moment I'm enjoying the ride. 


I have had such a good time with this blog. And I'm glad to say that I've pretty much kept it a reading journal. We're here to talk books and book-related ideas. Thank you to all my friends and followers out here in the blogging world. Thank you to those who joined in way back in 2010 and who have stuck with me. Thank you to all who have discovered My Reader's Block since. You have made the journey more fun than it ever could have been alone.


  1. That is a lot of words and a lot of posts in each year. How do you do it? Congratulations!

  2. TracyK: Lots and lots of reviews...and just making time whenever I can.

  3. 3,000? That's amazing Bev - well done chum, and congratulations - a real summit.

  4. Congratulations! That's a really huge milestone! Doesn't that mean that you post more than one post a day? Wahoo!

  5. I look forward to each of your reviews which are always insightful and fun. I love that they're most often mysteries. The pace at which you read astounds me, but even more the speed with which you can produce such well-written reviews. Thanks for all your hard work and Congratulations on reaching that milestone!

  6. Thanks, Sergio!

    Jessica: Thanks. Yes, I've often posted more than once a all depends on what's going on...

    Jacqueline: thanks so much!

  7. Congratulations, Bev! I admire your consistency and always look forward to your posts.

  8. Congratulations! 3000 is so many, I've been blogging only a few months less and I'm not even half way there yet!

  9. Amazing! An average of 545 per year. I looked at your total posts per year and saw 999 in 2011. How do you do that?! Thanks for all the fine reviews and good friendship. You were the first true book blog I discovered and you inspired me to start up my own with the Vintage Mystery Reading Challenge. I owe a lot to you and this blog, my friend. Onward and upward!

  10. Debbie, Geoff, & John: Thanks!

    John: I believe--without looking to be sure--that 2011 was the year that I did the A-Z Blogging Challenge. That upped my output quite a bit. Plus there were a number of bookish memes that I was doing at the time. Don't ask me where the time came from--or rather where it went since I don't seem to have it any more. I have no idea how I was able to post that much. It's not like I'm busier now. I'm not--at that time I was still heavily involved with Kyle (son) and his Boy Scouting Adventures...


Sorry folks, but I have been getting an incredible amount of spam. I have adjusted my settings and all messages will be moderated from now on. If that does not take care of the problem then I will have to go to the "Prove You're Not a Robot" thing--which I hate as much as you do.

If your name does not appear automatically, please tell me your name in the comment. Otherwise you will just show up as "Unknown." Thanks!