
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Super Book Password: January/February - Famous Person

Here we go folks...the first round of Super Book Book Password is ready to go. I've got my first book (clue) all lined up. Anybody going to join me? Each week I will post a link for another clue--up to eight weeks of clues. Eight clues are not required, but participants are asked to provide as many clues as possible with their reading schedules.Remember that points can be claimed for each clue until the next clue from that particular participant goes up. So--if I post my first clue this week, but don't post my second clue until the last week of January, then participants will have three weeks to ponder my Famous Person and try to claim the full points. If I post the second clue next week, then first clue points will only be available until next week.  
When you post your clues, please use the following format: 
Bev's Clue #1 (book title) 
and link to your blog or other review site (Goodreads, etc). If you do not have a blog and would like to post clues, then please use the format above and submit your clues in the comments. Don't forget to email me (phryne1959 AT gmail DOT com) your chosen password. This is my maiden voyage with this challenge and system...let's hope there aren't too many bumps. And most important--let's have fun!

***Just as a point of clarification: If only part of your title is the clue, please indicate which word or words are relevant--put that portion in quotes for the link up. My clues are also in bold at my review site. 

We have a winner for Bev's First Password (I was afraid #4 might do it...): Ryan has correctly guessed William Shatner and earned 10 points for guessing on Clue #4! I may have to try and devise another Famous Person for February....Congrats, Ryan! And--I've started another Famous Person...

And....Ryan has once again nailed it on my second Famous Person Password. The correct answer? Dick Van Dyke. And I was all set with two more books with "Chimney" and "Sweep" in the titles. Ah, well. Now to see if anybody can guess Ryan and Debbie's Passwords...we've still got a bit more time left.

For participants who would like to guess--Google forms seems to have the best format and I've posted it below for you to use. But, again, this is a new experience for me, so let me know if anything isn't clear.


  1. Thanks for asking me to join in... unfortunately I'm not joining in this year as I am so busy. Hopefully next year.
    I will try to do some guessing though. :)

  2. Ryan and Debbie have a vigorous guessing competition going on with my Clue Number One. For the record: No Winner Yet.

  3. Still no winners. At the moment, Ryan has collected 40 points (2 clues posted), Debbie has collected 80 points (4 clues posted) and I have 80 points (4 clues posted). Please note--I, as moderator, am competing on a clues posted basis only since I know all the answers and can't guess.

  4. Make that 60 points for Ryan (3 clues posted)

  5. 70 points for Ryan: 3 clues posted plus 10 points for correct guess on Bev's Clue #4.

  6. My Clue #4 (for my second Famous Person) is a two-parter--thus Clue #4A. Clue #4B coming soon and all portions in quotes will go together to make the complete clue.


Sorry folks, but I have been getting an incredible amount of spam. I have adjusted my settings and all messages will be moderated from now on. If that does not take care of the problem then I will have to go to the "Prove You're Not a Robot" thing--which I hate as much as you do.

If your name does not appear automatically, please tell me your name in the comment. Otherwise you will just show up as "Unknown." Thanks!