
Friday, December 26, 2014

Star Wreck III: Time Warped...Mini-Review

Yes, another mini-review. In fact, to help me squeeze in enough books to make my "Outdo Yourself" Challenge goal, I'm probably going to be mini-reviewing my way through to the end of 2014.

"Space. We need more of it.

These are the voyages of the Starship Endocrine. Its mission: to cruise around the universe looking for novel predicaments to get into. To sear the outskirts of the galaxy for areas with less crowding, lower tax rates, and better schools.

To boldly go where nobody wanted to go before!"

Star Wreck III: Time Warped is the third in a series of Star Trek parodies by Leah Rewolinski. I'm a sucker for a good parody and when the parody is about Star Trek I definitely can't resist. The stories feature both Classic Trek and Next Generation crews and this installment pokes fun at Trek's fondness for time travel stories as well as sneaking in a few zingers on the ways and mores of Trek fandom and conventions. The two crews are off on a mission to track down a videotape that slipped through a time warp and wound up in the hands of a teenager who spawned the "Wrekkie" fanbase--a bizarre cult of U.S.S. Endocrine crew wanna-bes. They blunder their way through the past and the present--making mistakes and affecting such minor events as the Civil War and World War II. But will they be able to get the video tape back before the fans view more about their private lives than they want known?

Parodies are great fun when done well and Rewolinski handles the Trek universe well. I will say that I think it's a good thing that I've spaced these out...I don't believe the parodies would read as well if read back-to-back. A little humor goes a long way. ★★  for a fun, quick read.


  1. Oh this seems like fun. I love the description of the voyages.

  2. Yeah, I think I would get a kick out of this one. Great review!


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