
Monday, April 14, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a bookish meme hosted by Book Journey. Every week we check in with what we read, what we're reading now, and what's next on the reading docket.  Here we go....

Books Read Last Week (click on titles for review): 
A Hangman's Dozen by Alfred Hitchcock, ed  (Robert Arthur
Naked Is the Best Disguise by Samuel Rosenberg
The Mammoth Book of the Lost Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes by Denis O. Smith

Currently Reading: 
Gale Warning by Hammond Innes: The 5,000-ton freighter, Trikkala, outward bound in convoy from Murmansk, struck a mine in the early hours of March 5th, 1945, 300 miles from the nearest land. There were only eight survivors and she was listed as sunk. Yet over a year later the Trikkala radioed an S.O.S. as she was battering her way towards the Hebrides through the gale-swept waters of the Arctic Ocean. Why was this ghost ship still afloat? What had happened during the missing months? What is the sinister significance of only eight survivors from a ship that never sank?
Books that spark my interest:
Letters from a Murderer by John Matthews 
Plain Sailing by Douglas Clark
By the Watchman's Clock by Leslie Ford  
The Monuments Men by Robert M. Edsel w/Bret Witter
Death by the Book by Julianna Deering


  1. Hi Bev, I'm reading two books currently - one on the relatively light side and one on the dark and grim side.

    Light side: SIDNEY CHAMBERS AND THE PERILS OF THE NIGHT by James Runcie - the second book in a wonderful new series highly recommended.

    Dark side: DARK WATER - The Strange Beginnings of Sherlock Holmes, A Novel Featuring Arthur Conan Doyle by David Pirie. Another fabulous and newly discovered (by me) series.

    So I'm having a good time.

    P.S. That GALE WARNING book sounds a treat. Hammond Innes. Don't know if I've read anything by this author.

    Oh, forgot I'm also listening to Michael Innes' FROM LONDON FAR, a fabulous vintage read.

  2. Yvette: I've got FROM LONDON FAR somewhere on the TBR stacks, I believe....


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