
Sunday, December 8, 2013

What's in a Name? VII

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I'm ready to sign-up for the seventh annual What’s In A Name Challenge, originally started by Annie, handed to Beth Fish Reads, and now continued by Charlie at The Worm Hole.

The basics

The challenge runs from January to December. During this time you choose a book to read from each of the following categories (examples of books you could choose are in brackets):

  • A reference to time (Eleven Minutes, Before Ever After)
  • A position of royalty (The People’s Queen, The Last Empress, The Curse Of The Pharaoh)
  • A number written in letters (The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, A Tale Of Two Cities)
  • A forename or names (Rebecca, Eleanor & Park, The Unfinished Work Of Elizabeth D.)
  • A type or element of weather (Gone With The Wind, Red Earth Pouring Rain)

For more details on this year's challenge and to sign up, please click on the Challenge link above.

My books.
1. Shake Hands Forever by Ruth Rendell (Time) [1/13/14]
2. The Coral Princess Murders by Frances Crane (Royalty) [4/5/14]
3. Seven Footprints to Satan by A. Merritt (number written in letters) [1/22/14]
4. John Smith: Last Known Survivor of the Microsoft Wars by Roland Hughes (forename or names) [3/16/14]
5. Gale Warning by Hammond Innes (weather) [4/15/14]
6. Murder at the Museum of Natural History by Michale Jahn  (Bonus category: school subject) [4/18/14]

(3/26/14) Update from Charlie:
I published the What’s In A Name challenge without a 6th category. It was forgetfulness on my part and I’m not sure how I managed to not notice it in all the time I was planning. Nevertheless many people have asked for a category, if they can create their own, or if I could come up with a subject for their particular blog.

So I’ve decided to create an official sixth category for this year. Because it hasn’t been available from the start and because I know not everyone will see this post, this sixth category will be considered a bonus. You can read for it or not – if you only want to read for the original five categories your last book of the five will still mean you have completed this year’s challenge. 

Without further ado, here is the sixth, bonus, category for What’s In A Name 2014:

A book with a school subject in the title. And yes, that does mean you can get creative and use a magical academic subject if you wish – Hogwarts is a school, after all. 

Of course, you all know that I'll be doing that bonus category....

1 comment:

  1. Liking the Innes, I haven't seen gales used yet, or the general 'wind' for that matter. Looking forward to your thoughts on the Rendell, I've heard lots about her these last few weeks but not yet got round to reading about the books.


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