
Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Armchair Detective Book of Lists: Mini-Review

The Armchair Detective Book of Lists edited by Kate Stine is an incredibly useful and interesting book.  It gives crime fiction readers a place to find the winners of awards given by the Mystery Writers of America, Crime Writers' Association of Great Britain, Crime Writers of Canada, Private Eye Writers of American, International Association  of Crime Writers, Independent Mystery Booksellers Association, Mystery Conventions, and Fan Organizations.  It gives lists of favorite authors and books--chosen by popular mystery authors and experts in the field.  And even though this particular edition is dated (running only through the mid-1990s), it was still fun to see how my favorites stacked up and how many of the award winners I have read (or have waiting in the wings on the TBR stacks).  A good resource--especially for anyone just starting to dip their toes into the mystery waters.  Four stars.


  1. Seems like a very interesting book.

  2. neer: It has a lot of good info in it!

  3. Ooh I need this! I belong to a mystery book group and this would be so helpful when we choose books! I wonder if they keep updating this book with newer information?

  4. I haven't checked to see if they have put out a more recent one....I bet there's something like it somewhere though.


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