
Friday, March 15, 2013

2013 TBR Pile Checkpoint #3

Adam from Roof Beam Reader is checking up on us to see how we're doing on our TBR Pile books so far this year.  I've missed the first two checkpoints (bad Bev!)--mainly because I've been kind of slow off the mark this year...and not paying proper attention.  Last year this time I had five books from the main list and one alternate down.  So far I've managed four off the stack and my favorite is the collection of Harlan Ellison short stories.  His stories always pack a punch and I love his view of the world.

Here's my list with links to the books I've completed:

1. Death at Crane's Court by Eilis Dillon (1987)
2. A Private History of Awe by Scott Sanders (2006)
3. Break Any Woman Down by Dana Johnson (2001)
4. Poems & Prose by Christina Rosetti (1998--this edition)
5. Black Widow by Patrick Quentin (1952)
6. A Perfect Red by Amy Butler Greenfield (2005)
7. The Web Between the Worlds by Charles Sheffield (1979) [read 1/21/13]
8. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton (2006--this edition)
9. Slippage by Harlan Ellison (1997) [read 1/19/13]
10. Aaron's Serpent by Emily Thorn (1962) [read 2/22/13]
11. The Hollow Chest by Alice Tilton [aka Phoebe Atwood Taylor] (1988--this edition)
12. The World's Best 100 Short Stories III: Mystery by Grant Overton, ed. (1927) [read 2/24/13]

A Bullet in the Ballet by Caryl Brahms & S. J. Simon (1984)
The Mummy Case Mystery by Dermot Morrah (1988) 



  1. Bev, I am trying to get hold of a copyright-free ebook of THE WORLD'S BEST 100 SHORT STORIES III: MYSTERY edited by Grant M. Overton whose only work I am familiar with is the biographical THE WOMEN WHO MAKE OUR NOVELS that has an amazing cast of women writers. I read your review of "The World's Best 100 Short Stories III: Mystery" and was delighted to learn that some of the short stories are, in fact, available online. Thanks for mentioning this book.

  2. You are doing so well on your TBR pile. Keep doing the good reading.


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