
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Book Loot

All I wanted for Christmas is....a bunch of books.  A bunch of books.  
See? A bunch of books.
Cuz if I had a bunch of books, then I would have a Merry Christmas.

And the Santas in my life have come through (both the Secret and the not-so-Secret).

From the Hubby:

The Further Adventures of  Sherlock Holmes: The Titanic Tragedy by William Seil
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Web Weaver by Sam Siciliano

Welcome Death by Glyn Daniel

The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop by Gladys Mitchell

Penelope Passes (or Why Did She Die?) by Joan Coggin

From my Broke & the Bookish Secret Santa:

Two for Sorrow by Nicola Upson
Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks by John Curran

And...a Barnes & Noble Gift Card from my boss!


  1. Merry X'Mas. The Santas have been very generous:).

    Love the quote on the top. Relate to it absolutely.

    Have a wonderful time.

  2. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, neer!

  3. I loved Two for Sorrow, now I need to read the rest of the books in the series. Hope you enjoy them all.

  4. Books are the best at Christmas time! Or any time really. Hope you had a lovely day, Bev. Did it snow? We had a white Christmas in Chicago. Made me smile...until I had to go out and clear the parkigg space in our rear lot for Joe.

    Wishing you great reading and blogging and healthy, happy days in 2013!

  5. John: We still had a bit of snow on the ground for Christmas--but not as much as we have now! W've got about a foot of snow and it's still coming down.

    Ryan: Two for Sorrow is the only one I haven't read yet. I really enjoyed the others.

    Hope you both have a very Happy New Year!


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