
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday Snapshot: Firebugs

Saturday Snapshot is a meme hosted by Alyce at At Home with Books. All you have to do is "post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mr. Linky on [her] blog. Photos can be old or new, and be of anything as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give is up to you." All she asks is that you don't just post random photos that you find online. (Click pictures for close-up).

Here is a photo of my son, Troop 148's former Fire Master, with his apprentice.  It was taken on our last High Adventure trip with the troop--a canoeing and camping adventure in the Boundary Waters between Minnesota and Canada.  Although Kyle enjoyed many things about scouting, his favorite was fire-building.  It wasn't a REAL camp-out if there was no fire.  And a drenching rain would not stop him (sassafras will burn in a downpour...just ask him). 

[Picture also posted for the Orange You Glad It's Friday meme sponsored by Hood Photo Blog.]


  1. My favorite camping moments revolve around the campfire. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  2. Oh, that looks fun :D Love camping.Thanks for sharing

  3. Sounds like he's a dedicated scout. (I did not know that sassafras will burn in the rain!)
    My Saturday Snapshot

  4. It looks like he had a great time. Starting a fire is always magical I think.

  5. I don't think I could build a fire if my life depended on it. Glad someone out there can! :)

    Here's my Saturday Snapshot. Have a great weekend!

  6. I agree with DCmetroreader, starting a fire is magical. It is also magical to see your little boy as a responsible kid teaching another. Thanks for stopping by my new blog.

  7. That brought me right back to my own son's experience learning how to start a fire at a scout meeting. It isn't easy!

  8. I certainly couldn't cope with lighting a camp fire. I'm very impressed.

  9. Huh, sassafras burns in rain. Who knew? Cooking on an open outdoor fire is so much fun!

  10. I agree - you can't go camping without a campfire!

  11. Wow... must be an amazing adventure from Minnesota to Canada, long way. Nice photo!

  12. Ah. I love that he has this skill and is passing it on. Here's Mine

  13. Great photo. Sometimes I think the back of peoples heads can tell a lot.

  14. Sometimes I wish I was more of an outdoors-y person so I can have moments like this.

  15. Every family should have someone with the knowledge that sassafras will burn when wet. Nice photo -- I like the relationship between the two people.

  16. Ahhh, when I was young, although never a Boy Scout, I LOVED building fires.
    Not as an arson or anything... but campfires and such. There's nothing like a good campfire at night, is there?
    Nice photo of the Fire Master, here.

  17. We used to call my grandmother a "firebug" - she would have a fire in the fireplace in July if she could get away with it! lol!

  18. Cool shot! I need them to show me how to do that!!

  19. I'm not great at fire building myself, but nothing is so wonderful on a camping trip (especially a rainy one) as a good fire.

  20. I love a fire but give me a comfy chair and a fireplace!

    Thanks so much for commenting

  21. I didn't think anything burned in the rain. I'm good building a fire in my indoor fireplace but it has a gas starter!

  22. Oh, I love fire building, too. Lol. I get teased every time we go camping 'cause I'm always trying to beat the boys to it. There's something quite fascinating about fire. (Ok... now I hear Sid the Sloth in my head. "FIRE!" Good grief.)


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