
Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Memes

Book Beginnings on Friday is a bookish meme now sponsored by Rose City Reader (who originally inspired the meme). Here's what you do: Share the first line (or two) of the book you are currently reading on your blog or in the comments section. Include the title and author so we know what you're reading. Then, if you are so moved, let us know what your first impressions were based on that first line and if you did or did not like that sentence. Link up each week at Gilion's place.

Here's mine from The Necropolis Railway by Andrew Martin:
With the letters from Rowland Smith in my pocket, I had a lively ride from York to London: just four and a half hours in all. The engine was one of the new Atlantics of Mr. Ivatt, and when she came down Stoke Bank I put aside The Railway Magazine I was reading, and leant out the window at the carriage end to experience the amazing velocity.

The Friday 56 is a bookish meme sponsored by Freda's Voice. It is really easy to participate. Just grab a book, any book, and turn to page 56. Find a sentence that grabs you and post it.
Here's mine from The Necropolis Railway by Andrew Martin:
Now Mike spoke up, and Rose gave a strange little sort of gasp as he did so. "Henry liked the cemetery," he said.


  1. Now I'm curious! Sounds like an intriguing journey.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Both your "Book Beginning" and "Friday 56" made me want to read this book. I love words, so the unusual word choices grabbed me: "lively ride" and "amazing velocity."
    My book beginning is from SEASON OF SISTERS.

  3. I'm fascinated with the prefix Necro...odd I know, but a book about a necropolis railway sounds really cool.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Interesting beginning! I will look for this book!

  5. I am wondering what is wrong with Mike and why did Henry like the cemetary??? great post.

  6. Interesting snippet! I definitely want to know more, especially about Henry.

  7. these are great snippets!
    i wonder what is there to like about a cemetery... and i don't think i'd like to go on a ride on the Necropolis Railway. that's for sure.
    thanks for sharing Bev and have a great weekend!

  8. The first time I have come across this title - sounds spooky!


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