
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Booking Through Thursday: Carry Ons

btt button
This week's BTT question:  Do you bring the book(s) you’re reading with you when you go out? How? Physically, or in an e-reader of some kind? Have your habits in this regard changed? (I know I carried books with me more when I was in school than I do now–I can’t read while I’m driving to work, after all.)

Absolutely.  Books go with me wherever I go.  You never know when you might be stuck in traffic, an elevator, or whatever and you need something to pass the time.  The one absolute rule I have for my purse is that a book must fit in it.  That's it.  I don't care about name brands.  I care a little bit about style (nothing too gaudy...).  But if it's too small for a book, then it's too small for me.  Taking books everywhere has been my habit since I've been old enough to read--so no changes here.

And that would be a real, live, honest-to-goodness, it's got real pages book.  No e-readers.  


  1. I have the same rule for my purse. books go with me everywhere - to the laundrymat, to work, anywhere i might have some down time. and If i find myself bookless? I've two little crossword books in my purse.

  2. Having "a real, live, honest-to-goodness, it's-got-real-pages book" is the reason I don't have an e-reader. Plus the fact that I can't hand the e-reader version to a friend and say, "You've got to read this!"

  3. Yes, that's my absolute rule for purses, too. Big enough for all the stuff I think I need...and a book.

  4. I have a smaller purse that holds paperback books and my Kindle (yes, I gave in back in Jan. 2012 and bought myself a Kindle and a Nook) but I almost always never leave home without a book of some kind.

  5. They used to but then I got my "smart" phone, so now I browse if I get stuck somewhere. I still take my books when I travel or if I'm expecting to be somewhere for over an hour. I guess I should stop being a luddite and get an e-reader but I feel like it is another thing I'd likely lose.

  6. @Peter: I am proud of my "luddite" reader status. I see the benefits of e-readers (for those who travel a lot or those with physical issues--e-readers are much lighter than hardback books for instance; or if someone needs adjustable font), but as long as I can enjoy real books then I will.

  7. My backpack is really my book bag. Sometimes I carry other things in it as well, usually a camera and a notebook. My BTT:

  8. Waving back with both hands!! I thought you got lost in a book and couldn't find your way out lol. Well....this is the first time I heard of this particular fashion criteria of buying a purse. The funny thing is that, the next time I'm buying one, I will be thinking of you and your fashion tip. hmmm. thinking, will Bev ever go over to the dark side and purchase an EReader? lol


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