
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday Snapshot: Memories of Lilies Past

Saturday Snapshot is a meme hosted by Alyce at At Home with Books. All you have to do is "post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and then leave a direct link to your post in the Mr. Linky on [her] blog. Photos can be old or new, and be of anything as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give is up to you." All she asks is that you don't just post random photos that you find online. (Click pictures for close-up).

These photos are from August of 2009.  A year when it actually rained enough to bring out the flowers.  My poor lilies got burned up this year...they valiantly tried to bloom, but just weren't up to the heat and dryness.


  1. Our lilies bloomed for a little while before they got friend. :/

  2. What a lovely shade! I feel like I always see white or purple lilies--fun to see another color.

  3. here I thought it was my gardening skill, I almost moved my lillies to accomodate them, thinking they didn't like the spot. Thanks, now I can rest easy, mine bloomed very little.

  4. I love to look at these lillies in the catalogues but they won't grow here! Yours look lovely!

  5. They are so pretty and did not survive the heat here either.

  6. Beautiful shade! Beautiful flowers!

  7. They are beautiful My Snapshot is at

  8. It's wonderful to wake up and see the beautiful lillies. We enjoy similar flowers in front of our condo.
    Nice photos.

  9. As soon as I saw these I knew they were lilies.. I was thinking, "tiger lilies"... but they seemed less bright than normal tigers.
    Perhaps this is because of the heat? The dryness?
    You know -- one more summer like this -- or even the continuation of this one here as it is..... it is just not good at all. Not good.
    All the same, these brave flowers are still beautiful!

  10. Beautiful colors! Peach? Apricot? Lovely.

  11. Gorgeous! I just love pictures of flowers :-)

  12. I love these flowers. Mine bloomed believe it or not!!

  13. Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my blog.

  14. Peautiful colors on them. I don't think they do well with our heat here.

  15. Most of my day lilies this year became hard little green balls that never opened due to our drought. The asian lilies were lovely they bloomed early enough to miss all this heat and lack of water.

    Lovely share. Thanks for your visit to my old wagon.

  16. Their color is lovely! THanks for sharing your lilies. I planted some this spring and they only bloomed for a week or two and that's it. Maybe I don't know how to nurture them.

  17. Sorry to hear your lilies didn't make it. Ours bloomed earlier than usual this year, as did most things. The heat and dryness didn't really hit until July so we were safe. My gladiolus didn't bloom though. Wonder if it's because of the dry weather. Here's Mine

  18. The flowers in my yard met the same fate -- so sad! Those are beautiful.

    My Snapshot

  19. Pretty daylilies -- I like the center colors. I have zinnias and they are doing fine in the heat. In fact, I think they actually like it.

  20. Those lilies are very pretty. Too bad the sun is beating them up this year.

  21. Thanks for the lovely lily pictures- even if they are only a memory.

  22. So pretty!!! Good thing you took pictures in '09 for years like this one!! I've been grateful for flower pictures, too. Lol. For other, more deadly reasons.

    Thx for visiting my Saturday!!

  23. It is so sad that flowers are really having a hard time of it this yeah, but those lilies look beautiful!

  24. Lovely lilies. Hopefully they will bloom again next year.

  25. Your flowers were beautiful! Mine just blossomed but they aren't going to last long. We finally got some rain last week so I hope that helps our lawn and plants. I hope you get some rain too! :)

  26. Those are so pretty with the contrasting color in the center. Mine are just plain orange... and they did poorly this year.


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