
Monday, July 30, 2012

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a bookish meme hosted by Book Journey. It's where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It's a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over via the link above and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.
I'm still playing catch-up from not reading while on vacation.  I've also hit a bit of a slump so it's been up-hill work on every book I've picked up so far--no matter how much I'm liking it.

Books Read (click on titles for review):
 Z for Zachariah by Robert C. O'Brien 
The Lieutenant's Whistle by Fred Stemme 
Murder at the Portland Variety by M. J. Zellnik

Currently Reading 
Surprised by Joy by C. S. Lewis: A candid autobiography that recollects his rational path to God.  An unfailingly honest and perceptive observer of humanity, C. S. Lewis embarked on a spiritual journey that led him from a traditional Christian childhood in Belfast to a youthful atheism and, finally, back to a confident Christianity. With no pretense, Lewis describes his early schooldays, his experiences in the trenches during World War I, and his undergraduate life at Oxford, where he reasoned his way to God. (synopses from Goodreads)
Books that spark my interest:
Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen (will actually start this one in August for the Austen in August Reading Event)
The Anatomy of Death by Felicity Young
A Stranger in My Grave by Margaret Millar
Some Danger Involved by Will Thomas 


  1. Looks like you had a good week. Here is my Monday Report. Happy reading!

  2. Hmmm... I may have to consider trying the Austen in August event myself. I've only read Pride and Prejudice by Austen. Way back in '99 after I watched You've Got Mail. (I also read The Godfather because of that.)

  3. Surprised by Joy is a good one. Happy Reading!


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