
Friday, May 4, 2012

Theme Thursday: Agree

Hosted by Reading Between the Pages

*A theme will be posted each week on Thursday
*Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from your current book that features the theme
*Post it and don't forget to mention the author and title of the book
*Event is open for the whole week
*Link back to Reading Between the Pages
March is going to be all about making life easy. This month we will do ‘Pick what you see first‘ themes. So open the book you are reading, continue reading; pick the first mention of any name in it and post the snippet. The only condition is ‘No Ebooks’.. lets go traditional. Easy-peasy!!

And this week's theme is Agree: nod, accept, etc.

Here is mine from The Devil to Pay by Ellery Queen: 

"I see," said Glucke, looking elsewhere with his brilliant eyes.  It seemed to Val that Walter nodded the least bit in approval.  It was all so queer--everything. She mustn't lose her head.  It would come out soon.

1 comment:

  1. Even though there is agreement I feel a sense of disagreement.


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