
Monday, May 21, 2012

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a bookish meme hosted by Book Journey. It's where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It's a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over via the link above and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.

Thanks to the Bout of Books 4.0 Read-A-Thon, I knocked out a heap of books this week! 

Books Read (click on titles for review):
The Last Escape (aka: Dishonour Among Thieves) by E. C. R. Lorac
The Man in Lower Ten by Mary Roberts Rinehart
A First Class Murder by Elliott Roosevelt
A Dram of Poison by Charlotte Armstrong
Such Friends Are Dangerous by Walter Tyrer

Currently Reading:
Garden of Malice by Susan Kenney :  Roz Howard, a young professor of English at Vassar, is offered the coveted job of editing the diaries and letters of the Lady Viola Montfort-Snow and sets off immediately for England and the hauntingly beautiful gardens of Montfort Abbey.  But when Roz arrives, she must contend with a group of dour hosts who have much to hide, including Cory and Stella, the gardeners who have access to a very powerful insecticide, and Alan, the handsome painter whom Roz would love to trust. Sabotage, threats, and attempted murder flourish in this "garden of malice," and it's up to Roz to discover who or what is at the root of the evil.

Books that spark my interest:
Pearls Before Swine by Margery Allingham
King Solomon's Mines by H. Rider Haggard
The Inn at Lake Devine by Elinor Lipman
The Cat Who Saw Red by Lilian Jackson Braun
The Lady in the Loch by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough 


  1. Quite an ammount of books read again, Bev.. I am impressed. Hope you're enjoying your recent read - and have a lovely week!

  2. Wow, that is a lot of books! Great to see you have Margery Allingham on your list. She was my A for the Alphabet in Crime Fiction week and I look forward to reading more of her work.

    My to be read is Stephen King's The Stand mostly because I needed one big book to last me my 2 day plane journey. Hope to get back up to speed with a few mysteries after that.

  3. I hate that I never know your authors. I have enjoyed the classics I have chose though, I read Rebecca for the first time last week :-)

    Glad you got lots of good reading done during the readathon.


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