
Friday, April 13, 2012

A-Z Book Titles

A-Z Book Titles

Matthew at A Guy's Moleskin Notebook presented this A-Z book title meme the other day and Julie at Read Handed posted about it, and I am up for the challenge. The objective is to name a favorite book title starting with each letter of the alphabet (lead articles not counting, of course). This is what I've come up with:

A: Anna Karenina by Tolstoy
B: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
C: The Complete French Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke by Rilke
D: Dune by Frank Herbert
E: The Elegance of the Hedgehog Review Part II by Muriel Barbery
F: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
G: Gilgamesh translated by Herbert Mason
H: Howards End Is on the Landing by Susan Hill
I: The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
J: The James Joyce Murders by Amanda Cross
K: The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
L: The Last Defender of Camelot by Roger Zelazny
M: Middlemarch by George Eliot
N: Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
O: Out of the Silent Planet by C. S. Lewis
P: Persuasion by Jane Austen
Q: Queen of the Flowers by Kerry Greenwood
R: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
S: Strong Poison by Dorothy L Sayers OR Shatterday by Harlan Ellison
T: To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee
U: The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club by Dorothy L Sayers
V: The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox by Maggie O'Farrell
W: What Alice Knew: A Most Curious Tale of Henry James and Jack the Ripper by Paula Marantz Cohen
X: Xenogenesis: Dawn, Adulthood Rites, & Imago by Octavia Butler
Y: The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop by Lewis Buzbee
Z: Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald: An American Woman's Life by Linda Wagner-Martin

Got it! Z was my difficult one. The Zelda book is good...but it certainly didn't stick hard enough that I automatically came up with it. Had to go hunting....


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