
Friday, February 3, 2012

Theme Thursday: The Eyes Have It

Hosted by Reading Between the Pages

*A theme will be posted each week on Thursday
*Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from your current book that features the theme
*Post it and don't forget to mention the author and title of the book
*Event is open for the whole week
*Link back to Reading Between the Pages

This week's theme is related to the eye--any action you can do with the eye: See, Wink, Roll, Vision, etc.

Here's mine from The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells (p. 128):

I looked up, and stopped in mid-sentence. The darkness had given place to that bluish light again. The door was opening, several noiseless Selenites were coming into the chamber. I became quite still staring at their grotesque faces.


  1. Suspenseful moments...thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  2. Selenites! are they habitants of Moon?This book is in my TBR list. I love Wells and Verne.

  3. I never read this one, sounds very mysterious.

  4. @srivalli: Yes, they are the moon people. I have no idea why they're called Selenites.

  5. This is surely a must read book for me and your snippets only make me want to get to it quicker. PS: I stole some challenge ideas from you :) Of course I just stop and check you out when I want to participate in challenges... so much more easier to take this short cut :)


    Btw, always wondered how many hours a week do you manage to read?

  6. Hi

    Thanks to you, I too participated in it.

  7. @Kavyen: Not nearly enough right now. According to Goodreads, I'm six books behind.... On a good week I manage 6-7 books.


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If your name does not appear automatically, please tell me your name in the comment. Otherwise you will just show up as "Unknown." Thanks!