
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Science Fiction Experience Wrap Up

Back in December I signed up for the Science Fiction Experience, sponsored by Carl V. I knew that I had several SF books on the docket for this year--between my Mt. TBR Challenge and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen--so I just moved the bulk of them up in the piles to the beginning of the year.
(The Experience ran from January 1, 2012-February 29, 2012). I originally thought I might get about four books finished and I've managed to do almost three times that! Considering that Goodreads still says I'm 10 books behind, I think that's pretty darn good.

Books Completed:
1. My Name is Legion by Roger Zelazny (1/4/12)
2. Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne (2/14/12)
3. The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells (2/5/12)
4. The Future on Ice by Orson Scott Card (ed) 2/15/12)
5. Prayers to Broken Stones by Dan Simmons (1/14/12)
6. Murder & Magic by Randall Garrett (1/28/12)
7. The Masks of Time by Robert Silverberg (1/16/12)
8. The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert & Bill Ransom (2/29/12)
9. Future Crime by Cynthia Mason & Charles Ardai, eds. (1/23/12)
10. The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells (1/9/12)
11. Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett (1/19/12)


  1. Another one bites the dust?
    Oh! I so want to read 20,000 leagues under the sea & the invisible man this year. Once again you're leading me through the abyss known as my library!
    Congrats!! I'm rooting for you!

  2. Thanks, Gina! Two down. Only 30-something to go.... :-)

  3. You did really well. I only managed three but plan to keep on reading sci-fi through the year.


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