
Monday, February 6, 2012

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a bookish meme hosted by Book Journey. It's where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It's a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list. So hop on over via the link above and join in...and leave a comment here so I can check out what you are reading.

Books Read (click on titles for review):
The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Well
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

[I've really got to pick up the pace if I'm going to do all those challenges I've signed up for...]

Currently Reading:
The Red Lamp by Mary Roberts Rinehart:
Jane wanted to leave Twin Towers the moment she arrived. She had a strange feeling about the old mansion, a chilling apprehension of doom that followed her through the creaking halls like a death shadow. The others thought her fears were groundless--until they felt the evil iridescence of the Red Lamp, and realized how terrifyingly right she was!

Books that spark my interest:
The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
The Future on Ice by Orson Scott Card (ed)
The Jesus Incident by Frank Herbert & Bill Ransom
Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

[You will notice I'm still looking at a lot of science fiction titles...I'm in the midst of the Science Fiction Experience "challenge" sponsored by Carl V. SF will be the main item on the menu until the end of February.]


  1. OK, I'm adding The Red Lamp to my must-read list for this year! I really need to pick up the pace too - can't believe February is already one week old.

    Happy reading this week!

  2. Sounds spooky! Are you sure it isn't October already?


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