
Monday, January 2, 2012

Starting Out the New Year Right...with another challenge

It just wouldn't be right if I didn't start of 2012 signing up for another, here I go. Jumping right in for The Stephen King Project sponsored by Natalie at Coffee and a Book Chick & Kathleen from Boarding in My Forties.

The Stephen King Project Overview

  1. This will run from January through December 2012
  2. Anyone can join. But you should have a blog OR an account with Goodreads, Shelfari, etc., so you can write your reviews and we can visit via the link at The Stephen King Project.
  3. The Project will be hosted at The Stephen King Project. Participants should link their reviews to the Linky there.
  4. Audiobooks count.
  5. E-books count.
What Are the Commitment Levels?
  • A King Novice: 1 book
  • A Lil Bit of King: 3 books
  • A King to Balance It All: 6 books
  • A King Legend: 9 books
  • A King for All Seasons: 12+ books
Want to know more? Then hop on the link above and investigate. And sign up while you're at, 'cuz I hate to be alone in my challenge-obsessed world.
I've never read a Stephen King book. When all my friends in high school were rushing to read Carrie and Cujo and The Shining and all the rest (see, I know the titles), I was busy with science fiction (Asimov and Bradbury and Silverberg and Clarke). And I'm not much of a horror/thriller kind of girl. BUT I am absolutely on board with reading King's latest--11/22/63 (complete 10/8/12)-- and, so, I'm going to be very cautious and sign up for the lowest level. Yep, that's me, A King Novice. Now, I just have to find the time (amongst all the other challenges) to read that 1000+ page doorstop that I got for Christmas.


  1. I am so excited that you'll be joining and cant' wait to see what you think of 11/22/63! I loved it and I'm a recent fan of King's works (I've only read 3, 'Salem's Lot, The Colorado Kid and 11/22/63 in the past two months). All of it convinced me that I need to read more from him; his writing style is so genuine! And it's not often I like the Introductions or Afterwards that authors include, but I love reading his!

    I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on his work, and seeing if you end up wanting to read more from him!

    Thanks so much for joining and here's to 2012!

  2. Yay, thank you for joining us and nice to meet you and your blog!


Sorry folks, but I have been getting an incredible amount of spam. I have adjusted my settings and all messages will be moderated from now on. If that does not take care of the problem then I will have to go to the "Prove You're Not a Robot" thing--which I hate as much as you do.

If your name does not appear automatically, please tell me your name in the comment. Otherwise you will just show up as "Unknown." Thanks!