
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pick of the Month & January Wrap Up

This year I will be combining my monthly wrap-up post with Kerrie's Crime Fiction Pick of the Month over at Mysteries in Paradise.

My January totals are not anything like what I wanted. I've had a slow start--in part because I still haven't figured out how to adjust my reading schedule around my new lunch-time schedule (which basically consists of me using up my lunch hour four days a week in errand-running--Ick!). Here we go...

Total Books Read: 11
Total Pages: 3001
Percentage by Female Authors: 27%

Percentage by US Authors: 82% (This is my high
est total yet for American--not my usual thing)
Percentage by non-US/non-British Authors: 0%
Percentage Mystery: 45%
Percentage Fiction: 91%
Percentage written 2000+: 18%
Percentage of Rereads: 9%
Percentage Read for Challenges: 100% {It's eas
y to have every book count for a challenge when you sign up for as many as I do.}

Number of Challenges fulfilled so far: 1 (3%)

AND, as mentioned above, Kerrie is sponsoring a new meme for those of us who track our reading. What she's looking for is our Top Mystery Read for each month. In January, I read five books that may count as mysteries (Murder & Magic is fantasy/mystery mash-up). I handed out no five star awards this time round and only two four stars. Since one of the four star picks was a reread (Murder Has Its Points by Richard & Frances Lockridge), my Pick of the Month for January is The Problem of the Green Capsule by John Dickson Carr. Click title for review.


  1. Thanks for supporting Pick of the Month Bev, and for pointing to this Golden Age classic, which I have discovered is available for Kindle

  2. I've read some Carr but not I think that one - I might give it a try though I haven't read any golden-age crime fiction for a while. I joined Kerrie's meme too - my crime fiction book of the month is The Nobodies Album by Carolyn Parkhurst, excellent. (though USA - as you say in your post, I read a lot of international/translated novels so unusual for me to pick a US one.)

  3. 11 is not bad, that's what I read this month too.
    Happy February reading!

  4. 11 may not be bad, but I just don't feel like I'm getting my reading rhythm back. Though so when I did the Read-a-thon last week...but not really.

  5. I swear everyone is having trouble this January reading. Something in the air. Hope you find your reading groove in Feb

    And even if this is still an off month for you, I'm impressed by your stats!

  6. I think you did a good reading job in January.

    Also you've been tagged @ Ann's Reading Corner.


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