
Monday, January 16, 2012

Musing Mondays

This week’s musing asks…

What devices –if any– do you read books on? Do you find it enjoyable, or still somewhat bothersome? Or: If you only read the print books, why haven’t you chosen to read on any devices?

No e-readers for me yet. And, quite honestly, I have no desire for one. Give me a real live hold-it-in-your hands book every time. Part of it is that feel of a "real book in my hands" experience...but a big part is also the fact that I spend 80-90% of my day (work and blogging) onscreen. When I read for pleasure, I want it to be a totally different experience from work...and I'm not going to get that if I'm staring at another glowing screen.

I can see advantages. If I traveled more than I do, it would be nice to carry one light-weight e-reader instead of the 10 books I think I need to get by on vacation. I have a friend with vision issues who has just discovered how much she loves to read because she can now change the font to something that is easy on her eyes. That's all good--and I definitely don't see e-readers as evil inventions taking over my hard copy favorites. But e-readers are still not for me.

[Click the image to join in]


  1. e-readers will never replace my books!!! I'm looking to buy one just to be able to read in bed without waking up my husband in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. Other than that, I'll stick to paper books that I enjoy so much!

  2. I do love real books, but I also LOVE my kindle. The kindle doesn't have a glowing screen. The e-ink technology means it really does read like paper. (Jules, unless you get the fire or a tablet e-reader, you will have to get a light just like a real book, so it might not actually solve your problem of not wanting to wake your husband.)

    I have the Kate Spade Great Gatsby cover on mine, so it almost feels like a real book when I read. I've also found that it is a great way for me to save paper when I want to read through a first draft of something I'm working on.

    Kindle books go on sale A LOT, which means I get to buy more books on my budget. Also... my kindle is way lighter than a 700 page book. :)

    I understand your hesitation with e-readers and I love real books myself, but I still love my kindle. So very very much.

  3. So glad that this is in writing because I suspect one day you will own one. But I agree to a point, Ido enjoy my EReaders but need to alternate with Prints and be surrounded by my print versions when sitting in my reading room.

  4. I never planned to get one...I'd still be happily in the dark about the devices. But my daughter gave me one last Christmas...and now, here's what I wrote at MY MONDAY MUSINGS POST and here’s

  5. I feel the same way. Print books for me :)

  6. @fakesteph: Glad you like your Kindle. And glad for everyone who does. Glad for everyone who can use a Kindle when they might not be able to hold a bulky book or they need the ability to adjust the font. Those are all positive things. But... I've seen the Kindle--up close and personal (my friend's). It's a screen and it's lighted (otherwise you wouldn't see the image). It may not glow like a computer screen but it's still a screen. And reading "like" paper...isn't reading paper. You can add all the bells and whistles (I've seen a post where you can add sound to some of them so it even "sounds" like turning a page), and one of these days they may even add that "like new" (if that's what you like) or "vintage" book smell--shoot, maybe they have I don't know it yet. You can add a fake cover to make it "like" a book. But it still isn't a book. And won't be as good as holding a a real book as far as I'm concerned.

  7. @Cheryl: The only way I see one coming into my possession is if it's gifted to me or I happen to win some kind of drawing. And if I ever say on this blog that I actually like reading on an e-reader better than holding a real book in my hands, I will buy you any book (e-copy, hard-copy, you name it) that you want.

  8. I totally agree with the whole experience of holding a book... not to mention enough-already with the screen-time thing!! There's a time and place for everything, tho...

    :-) And I like my Nook a lot!!

    My Musings: Colorimetry

  9. I never thought I'd want or like an ereader and now I have 3 of them! I love them :)

  10. I have crossed over Bev, definitely love and prefer to read on my Kindle.

    I do enjoy reading a book every now and again though.

  11. Hi - I agree with you, although I do have a Kindle for PC. I spend too much time here at the computer and want to read a book type book when I read!!!

  12. You have a good point. If you are looking at a computer screen all day, you might not want an e-reader too. I do find the Kindle e-ink to be very flat and unlike a computer screen though, which I totally appreciate.

  13. I just recently got my first e-reader, and I am liking it, but I also read my print books. I still have a lot of print books on my bookshelves I haven't read yet.

  14. I'm enjoying the combination of print books and my e-reader. When I absolutely want to keep books I'm buying in print. If not I often buy the e-book. It saves space on my bookshelves and it's easy when traveling (I have the lightest and smallest e-reader, so convenient). But I still love print books so much.... ;)


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