
Monday, December 12, 2011

The Pratchett Reading Challenge

Yes. I've done it. I've found another one. Hannah over at Once Upon A Time is sponsoring a really nifty, really easy reading challenge: The Pratchett Reading Challenge. All you have to do is read some Terry Pratchett books--or even just one. Any format, any book, so long as it’s Pratchett. Re-reads are also perfectly acceptable! Books need to be started and finished between January 1st 2012 and December 31st 2012. You can set your own goals, whether you want to read 5 books or go for the whole Discworld series, that is entirely up to you. Be realistic or go crazy, there are no penalties if you don’t meet your goal, in fact the only real goal is to read some Pratchett.

At the moment, I'm just going for one book:

Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett (1/19/12)



  1. Good luck with this one! I usually re-read all of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series every year. They are all very awesome reads!

  2. I have also signed up for this challenge and starting slow with a couple of re-reads. I have to say I really enjoyed Unseen Academicals, hope you enjoy it.


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