
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Challenge Complete: As My Whimsy Takes Me

Cristina at Rochester Reader sponsored the As My Whimsy Takes Me Reading Challenge. All Lord Peter Wimsey all the time. How could I resist? (I know I say that about every challenge...)

And tonight I finished up the remainder of the Lord Peter stories--using the complete Wimsey short stories collected in Lord Peter. Once the book comes in from the library, I'll finish the entire book In the Teeth of Evidence (just so I can finish all the Sayers fiction). Otherwise, I have fulfilled the intention of the As My Whimsy Takes Me Challenge--which challenged us to read all of the Wimsey stories.

Books (in order of publication):

1. Whose Body? (1923) [read 3/25/11]
2. Clouds of Witness (1926) [read 5/25/11]
3. Unnatural Death (1927) [read 7/15/11]
4. Lord Peter Views the Body (1928) [Short Story Collection] (read 8/28/11)
5. The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (1928) [read 8/29/11]
6. Strong Poison (1930) [read 9/15/11]
7. Five Red Herrings (1931) [read 9/17/11]
8. Have His Carcase (1932) [read 10/2/11]
9. Hangman's Holiday (1933) [Short Story Collection incl. non-Wimsey stories] (read 10/29)
10. Murder Must Advertise (1933) [read 11/1/11]
11. The Nine Tailors (1934) [read 1/3/11]
12. Gaudy Night (1935) [read 11/23/11]
13. Busman's Honeymoon (1937) [read 11/27/11]
14. In the Teeth of the Evidence (1939) [read the final Wimsey stories 11/27/11]
15. Striding Folly (1972) [read 11/27/11]

If I have time, I may also complete the bonus...reading the Wimsey stories completed and wholly written by Jill Paton Walsh. We'll see--but my commitment has been met.


  1. Well done! My challenge is to the stories in order, but from books I've found in charity book shops, so I'm stuck at the moment and might have to buy new!

  2. Well Done, another to tick off the list and many books.


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